I need to have crabs, snails, and a # of other things by Friday.
If I place my order tonight by Saltwaterfish.com will they ship it out
Thanks, John
I am new to the hobby and am not sure.
I set my 125gal tank up 1 1/2 weeks ago. Is this enough time to cycle.
The brown stuff starting showing up 2 days ago. Yesterday it was not to bad. Today the whole tank is close to taken over.
Any suggestions? What do you think?
its called diatoms, its normal, it will go away by itself btu if you want you can clean the the glass, and use a turkey baster to blow off the rocks. and no your tank has not cycled yet. do you have a test kit?
yep its still cycling. have you done any research? you cant add anything until the cycle is completed. what are your water levels? diatoms are a normal part of the cycle....
in a cycle, you should test every day or every other day. you will see a spike in ammonia, then it will go down and you nitrites will shoot up. then they will go down and your nitrates will go up. you then do a water change to bring them down.