shipping zoo's


what's the best and cheap way to ship zoo's can you ship then 2 to 3 days or do they have to be ship over night and what's the cheapest way to ship them


Active Member
I can only speak for shrooms. (The thermos Idea came from a zoo website) Put them in baggies inside a thermos, then drop them in the US mail. Priority is less than $10, 3-4days. Express is FAST-like <48 hours from KY to Cali, but is costs 15-17 dollars. Still not too bad considering what big online stores have to charge to ship stuff. NO offense to our wonderfull host.


Thanks for the reply every one. farmboy do you have me on your list for blue shrooms


Active Member
I'm planning on sending out 3 thermoses on Monday. It may be a couple of weeks for you but it depends on how many still want to trade. It could be less.

I'll have plenty to trade with. My buddies tank is FULL of them!