Shock the rocks??


I am currently cycling my first SW tank, I started it on Sunday. It's 55gal, with 30lbs of LR.
I am awaiting a new tank as the used one I have now is pretty scratched up and I didn't notice how bad it was until the dust settled from my new sand.
Anyhoo. I am going to proceed with my cycle in my current tank as my new one won't be ready for 2 weeks. I am planning on adding 10-20 more pounds of LR this weekend as well.
Because this is a new tank, my first one and my current tank is used (who knows what is lingering around in it) I have decided that when I get my new tank I am going to change 100% of the water while I am at it. The water I am going to be using to fill the new tank will be very cool/cold as I have no way to heat 55 gals prior to filling the tank. As I stated above I don't want to use the current water so it will be going down the toilet.
I will need to put the sand and rocks into my new tank before filling it with water. Is the new cold/cool water going to shock the hell out of my LR? will it possibly harm it, kill it? If so does anybody have any suggestion of how I can avoid this?
On a seperate topic...
Because my first cycle is getting under way I am starting to get some algae growth on my rocks, as expected. My LFS suggested that once I started to see the growth I should start getting a cleaning crew. How long should I wait before getting some snails etc. and will the new tank move play havoc on them?

sinner's girl

you could heat the water in buckets with your heater.... or really, just leave the water at room temp and it'll be fine, why is it cold?
if you have live creatures it might shock it, but then it's not worse than a cycle, I would think.
you could add the water, add heater/turn it on, then add your lr, then add the sand around it once the water's to temp. you don't have to add lr and sand before water. if it's ls, make sure you keep it wet though, same with lr.
Also, if you don't trust the water from the tank, i wouldn't want to put the lr or ls in there in the first place...however, washing the tank before hand should get rid of any bad stuff (like copper) (whatever's in teh water will seap into the ls and lr.
No point in cycling the water if you're not going to keep it...

Because my first cycle is getting under way I am starting to get some algae growth on my rocks, as expected. My LFS suggested that once I started to see the growth I should start getting a cleaning crew. How long should I wait before getting some snails etc. and will the new tank move play havoc on them?
dude, slow down. First get the new tank up and cycled. YOU CAN NOT ADD CREATURES TILL YOUR TANK IS CYCLED. A 100% water change will mean an uncyled tank. You can get inverts/fish once your tank is cycled and you've done a water change. Am=0, nitrites=0, nitrates <20, ph 8.2-8.4.
So, set up the new tank, add raw shrimp or fish food to start the cycle, wait, test water weekly (or daily or how ever often you want to), do a water change once am is 0, nitrites are 0 and you have nitrates.
Also, you don't really need to have your lights on during the cycle, I guess it'll help the lr


GO for it! ADD the icey water first with nothing else. HEat it up then get your salt levels up. once the water and salt is up add live sand..but only half ...maybe one inch or so. Then I would add all live rock wait a few days and add another inch of live sand. by now your tank temp should read at least 79 degrees and salt up to 1.023, as far as lighting I would treat it as a reef tank and do 12 hours on and 12 hours off....Keep it simple is my motto..... good luck....If you add live rock and sand to freezing water ..YEs it will die so do it this way and it will work