Shootings at Fort Hood


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
Nope don't worry they are already blaiming Bush.
Of course they are. If Bush wouldn't have started this useless war, then this deranged idiot would've never been deployed in the first place, ergo he would've probably never gone ballistic like he did. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I reflecting my political views? I guess mantis doesn't have any problems with this.

37g joe

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Of course they are. If Bush wouldn't have started this useless war, then this deranged idiot would've never been deployed in the first place, ergo he would've probably never gone ballistic like he did. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I reflecting my political views? I guess mantis doesn't have any problems with this.

He Did not have PTSD since this would of been his first deployment. Reports are coming out that Major Nidal Malik Hasan - shouted "Allah Akbar" as he opened fire.
But your not going to blame Radical Islam but instead Bush. Guess what Bush is no longer the CIC and all those promises that Obama made that we would be pulled out in 6 months has seemed to been lost. I doubt you have any experience searving in the .MIL for this great country. The Major was going to Afghanastan and even Obama has stated he would of gone to war after 9/11 with Afghanastan so your argument is null.
This was a 39 yearold Officer who was a psychiatrist. He was a big boy who was mature enough and had the mental falculties to deal with stressful situations. We have been over in Afghanastan for over 8 years and the major had plenty of time to give up his commission and get out if he had objections. There is no draft and this man chose to be in uniform and was lucky that he had not been deployed for the past 8 years but when his time came this is how he reacted. Disgraceful!!!


Active Member
Bionic, you have proven the statement to the letter. Make every excuse why this wasn't another muslim killing Americans for Allah. Was it ptsd? Was he picked on by other soldiers. Did Bush make him do it(even though 15 million Shiites are now living free in Iraq thanks to Bush). You and those like you will end up trying to make this POS the victim and not confront the truth of why this happened. That is the point I was making and that is what you have done.


Active Member
You guys really have problems. Do you know how annoying it is the throw politics into everyone's threads? Can't you leave it for the designated political threads so I can avoid these discussions without having to avoid The Aquarium all together.


Active Member
Sorry Cran, I will not put anymore up on the political side of this. The killer committed a political/religious killing. Unfortunately, it is all about both of the worst subjects brought up here.


Active Member

Originally Posted by mantisman51
Sorry Cran, I will not put anymore up on the political side of this. The killer committed a political/religious killing. Unfortunately, it is all about both of the worst subjects brought up here.
Correct this Worthless POS and he is a POS screamed ALLAH ACKBAR as he is killing his fellow troops all because he was going to have to serve in Afghanastan. GIVE ME A

BREAK. I asked my SIL an Air Force Wife what her friends would do to him if they had the chance to get their hands on him. This is what she said. He better be glad his butt has 245 hr Gaurds from CID around him right now. If not he would be floating IN PARIDISE RIGHT NOW MINUS HIS HEAD.
For this COWARD and he was one to attack unarmed troops like he did shows why Islamic Terrorists are NOTHING BUT COWARDS they attack the UNARMED AMONG US WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME AL-QUEDA OR ISLAMIC JIHAD TRIED TO TAKE ON A FORMATION OF TROOPS HEAD ON NEVER WHY BECAUSE THEY GET THEIR ASSES KICKED. As for this Major POS here is how he needs to die throw his ass out of a C-17 over Mecca riding a MOAB with its aim point as the rock every Muslim prays to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Bionic, you have proven the statement to the letter. Make every excuse why this wasn't another muslim killing Americans for Allah. Was it ptsd? Was he picked on by other soldiers. Did Bush make him do it(even though 15 million Shiites are now living free in Iraq thanks to Bush). You and those like you will end up trying to make this POS the victim and not confront the truth of why this happened. That is the point I was making and that is what you have done.
What I've done? What in the heck are you talking about? You are clueless. When have I ever made one comment supporting this nut case? Right now, everything you here coming out of Ft. Hood is second hand stories. No one really knows yet all the reasons why this guy did what he did. However, there is no logical justification whatsoever for anyone to needlessly kill an innocent person, no matter what their agenda is. What ticks me off about you, is you actually think someone who is liberal thinking would actually sympathize with a scum bag like this. That's the point I'm making. I'm sick of people like you who go around stereotyping a particular group just because they don't bow down and agree with every one of your slanted philosophies. There's a name for someone like that. It's called a racist.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Of course they are. If Bush wouldn't have started this useless war, then this deranged idiot would've never been deployed in the first place, ergo he would've probably never gone ballistic like he did.

Here is what he is talking about. Your placing the blame at the foot of Bush and the war is a backdoor justification/excuse for why this guy performed such heinous action. Comments such as this remove partial blame from the criminal always.
It is like saying, "had the car manufacturer not made the car to go so fast I never would have been driving that speed and killed that family of 6 in a minivan.".
For the record, I think you both are behaving like a couple of............ And that has to be pretty bad if it is coming from


Active Member
Wow. You guys really suck at listening to others. Why bother typing at all, you only see what you yourself type. That's then just called thinking and is best done in one's own head as y'all have proven here today.
*unsubscribe* I hope the families find peace and the wounded recover well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Of course they are. If Bush wouldn't have started this useless war, then this deranged idiot would've never been deployed in the first place, ergo he would've probably never gone ballistic like he did. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I reflecting my political views? I guess mantis doesn't have any problems with this.

Yeah, and if Bush was never elected 9-11 would have never happened

This guy was against both Iraq and Afghanistan. Didn't your Messiah say Afghanistan was a war we needed to fight?
What PO's me is there were plenty of warning signs but nothing was done. His family said the guy's worst nightmare was being deployed. He should have been dishonorably discharged but I guess it would have been considered profiling to boot a Muslim for making statements justifying terrorist acts.


Active Member
No kidding Reefraff, this guy should have been discharged long ago and it will be interesting to find out why he was still on active duty. If he said he was gay, he would have been long gone even if he was the second coming of Rambo.


Active Member
Actually Darth, he attacked me. I simply copied and pasted back portions of what he said about me. I was sticking with theoreticals up to that point. But, whatever. You just don't like me cause I don't hate Obama.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Actually Darth, he attacked me. I simply copied and pasted back portions of what he said about me. I was sticking with theoreticals up to that point. But, whatever. You just don't like me cause I don't hate Obama.

I don't dislike you because you don't hate Obama....There are many other reasons I have to not like you...but that isn't one of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
You guys really have problems. Do you know how annoying it is the throw politics into everyone's threads? Can't you leave it for the designated political threads so I can avoid these discussions without having to avoid The Aquarium all together.
What if this turns out to be a politically motivated killing? Evidence at this time seems to be pointing that way. Time will tell, and we do not have all the facts yet.
If he was a jihadist, then we need to find out how he got where he was just as if he just fell off the apple cart and went nuts. Either way there is much investigation to do.
There are also many to bury and heal. We must find the truth to put them to peacful rest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Of course they are. If Bush wouldn't have started this useless war, then this deranged idiot would've never been deployed in the first place, ergo he would've probably never gone ballistic like he did. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I reflecting my political views? I guess mantis doesn't have any problems with this.

You can prove the election of Al Gore would have prevented the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01?


Active Member
This wasn't caused by Bush, Obama or Clinton. It is possible that this clown was given a pass because of his religion. We don't know that yet but if the reports are correct it sure seems that is the case. It is a valid point that Political Correctness might have prevented this guy from being dealt with but you can't blame that on Obama or Bush. That movement is a lot bigger than either of them. You can blame the D's for pushing it but them you gotta blame the R's for not dumping it when they were in control.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
This wasn't caused by Bush, Obama or Clinton. It is possible that this clown was given a pass because of his religion. We don't know that yet but if the reports are correct it sure seems that is the case. It is a valid point that Political Correctness might have prevented this guy from being dealt with but you can't blame that on Obama or Bush. That movement is a lot bigger than either of them. You can blame the D's for pushing it but them you gotta blame the R's for not dumping it when they were in control.

When all is said and done there is only one person to blame.... the shooter.
Regardless of his motivations he took innocent lives.


Active Member
AMEN to that. Plus its beginning to sound like he was looking for a way out. (I am thinking there were better ways........)

37g joe

So many of you just do not get it. When I first became apart of this forum i was not in the .mil but after serving several years and requesting to go over to the sand box to protect YOUR freedoms it amazes me how so many of you just do not get it. I had to sacrifice so much one of them would be my love of salt water aquauriums. i had to dismantle all the work i did and since i joined I have not had a SW Aqurium. that is a litle sacrifice compared to what most sacrifice. I love my country and searve it with pride and would hope that those who share the same passions as I would also come to the same conclusions as I that we as a nation have enemies who hate freedom and liberty and those enemies are EVIL.