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This is dumb. What socks and sweaters are ok for dad's gift. But woman are so self centered that a vacuum cleaner means men are relegated to the dog house.
puh-LEEZE. sweaters and socks may not be entirely thoughtful or personal gifts, but they also don't say "the only thing i dream of when i think of you is how much more work you could do around here if I gave you this."
bulldinky. give me an impersonal gift certificate any day over an obnoxious "here, do more work for me" gift. unless i ask for it SPECIFICALLY.
My Husband and I avoid this whole ugly mess entirely; we give each other lists before the holidays/birthdays/anniversaries start rolling around. There is still that element of surprise b/c we never know WHICH thing the other is going to pick, and we ALWAYS know that our money is being well-spent, and that we're never heading into insulting or awkward territory. You simply cannot expect someone, no matter how much you'd love to fantasize about it, to read your mind and pick you the perfect gift every time; that's a lot of pressure to put on someone, and it's NOT NICE - for ANYONE involved... as this video so eloquently illustrates.
thanks 4posting, I shall share this w/all my friends & fam