Shopping List Question


I am getting a 55 and I will have a protein skimmer, a 20 gallon sump/refugium, 3-4" Sandbed, and 55+lbs of live rock. After the tank has cycled I want to add a par of perculas, a Jawfish, Royal Gramma, and a Flame Angel. I know these fish are compatible but would this amount of fish overload the system? I also want to add soft corals to tank later on, would these fish be okay with that?
Thanks Guys


I've heard that jawfish need a bigger tank than a 55, but you might want to research that. The number of fish and type seem to be o.k. except for the jawfish. If you're going to get corals make sure you have enough lighting or they won't survive. Check the other posts on here for more accurate information on the required wattage for your size tank. Good luck!


Thanks, the lighting will be 4 - 4ft. VHO's., 440 watts I had a jawfish in my 65 Gallon, which was taller and wider but only 36" instead of 48". I think the jawfish would be okay? I had the 65 about 5 years ago now and I am just now starting to get back into it.


440 watts should be more than enough, I still don't know enough about the jawfish to advise on that though.


Jawfish are fine in a 55G. they just need a good deep sand bed as they like to burrow under things into the substrate as a home. Small tanks are fine for this fish. i have one and he's happy as can be. My favorite fish!!