short cycle


I have a 29g biocube that I put 30 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of live sand in on wednesday. I tested the water wednesday night and ammonia was up to .25, my nitrates were between 0 and .25 and my nitrites were 0. I tested the water today, saturday, and everything was back to zero. The rock was supposed to be cured but I still thought there would be some type of cycle. The lfs where i got the water tested said they thought that might have been the cycle and suggested putting a small cleanup crew for another week or two to make sure. I went ahead and added 5 hermits and 3 snails. Is it possible for the tank to cycle this fast? Also, if it is cycled how much of a water change should i do? The hermits and snails seem to be doing fine but I was just wandering whether I should expect a "real" cycle to come about. Thanks.


yes and no. it had a mini cycle but I think once you add you a fish to the mix its going to spike again.
Most LFS' store their rock in holding tanks without any livestock so yes it cured but the bioload of the holding tank isnt all that high so once you add stock to the tank it will more than likely have another cycle.


If you got the rock from your lfs then yes it is possible the cycle was that fast because there would not be much die off from the store to your house. If you ordered the rock and it was shipped then I would say this is some kind of anomaly and I would give it more time.


Thanks. The rock was shipped so i am going to give it a few more weeks before adding anything else and see what happens. Should I go ahead and do a water change even though the cycle was so small. Or wait and see if it cycles again. Thanks for all the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishwater
Thanks. The rock was shipped so i am going to give it a few more weeks before adding anything else and see what happens. Should I go ahead and do a water change even though the cycle was so small. Or wait and see if it cycles again. Thanks for all the help.
Thats what we are trying to get at. Basically there was not a cycle. Atleast not a big enough one. Throw a raw shrimp in the tank or feed the tank brine or flakes everyday to introduce ammonia. Water does not need to be changed unless it it cloudy or murky from the die off on the rock.