shortfin lion


Active Member
Second one does look to be a fu man chu. If you want to know anything about lions, try contacting Frank Marini. He is the man for lionfish. Unfortunately he lost his incredible collection a while ago due to an a/c problem. Bo


i have a 180 gal fuzzy dwarf lion tank. As Grouperhead and KrUnK said the second one is a fu man chu. as for the shortfin lion or fuzzy dwarf lion (dendrochirus brachypterus) it is not a deep water species and is commonly kept in home aquariums. the fuzzy is one of the smallest of the dendrochirus species at a max of 18 cm.

joe r.

New Member
I haven't seen a fuzzy with yellow quite like that before. Thanks for all the info everyone.


First lion is called a "dwarf fuzzy" the color morph your looking at is the solid yellow morph, very rare and very pricey. I have a few photos if your interested in seeing more of this color morph.
The second lion is a Fu man chu lionfish. Both lions are commonly kept in the home aquarium and the dwarf fuzzy lionis a better choice. However plan on seeing more common color morphs, like greens, browns and greys.


Hey Bo:
yup, I had a very nice, breeding pair of yellow dwarf fuzzie....breaks my heart...
but thanks for asking

joe r.

New Member
I would love to see some more pics of the color morph. Also are most lions caught or tankraised that you get at LFS. I thought they were all caught.