should i be concerned


i got a large blue carpet anemone about two weeks ago, it stayed were i put it until today, it started moving around, so i reached in to put it back. well when i did this, it wraped its self around my hand and i had to pry it off, when i did that it left hundreds of little blue like stingers in my hand. i went to the sink and used fresh water and tried to wash them off. my question is do i need to be concerned about this? will this make me sick? this has never happened to me before. my hand still feels like i'm being stung. i have ice on it right now.
so please if anyone can help me with any kind of info, please i would like to know? or if you know how to make the stinging stop that would also help.
thank you


ouch, sry to hear that tonya. i dont really think it would make u sick, as it just paralyzes the nerves, use some cream or something to help it. it will probably sting for a while tho.....just a shot in the dark, good luck


thanks reef_magic i appreciate your input, what do you mean by paralizing the nerves? i don't mean to sound stupid, it's just that i have never been stung by an anemone before. my guess is that this is temporary, (right)?


We all should be using latex gloves when we are handling these types of creatures. Hope you feel better


hey waterfaller, i am glad to hear from you, thanks for the heads up on the vineger and razor, boy my hand does sting, well how have you been, yes i have been e-mailing you. you and BangGuy. i was begining to think i p___sd you guys off or something. anyway i am very glad to hear from you.i thought i had your ph# stored in my inbox, but it's not there,so i can't call until you are able to e-mail me. i do hope Bang will e-mail me soon. hey did you see my post yesterday?it's under,
(playing with new camera)
those are just a few pics i took while i was learning how to use it. very cool. well again thank you for the info on my ouchy, i sure hope this works, because my hand sure is burning.

nm reef

Active Member
Doesn't sound nice at all. If you had e-mailed me I couldn't have helped but I would have responded.....:D
Sounds like your friend waterfaller helped you out....hopefully you'll recover quickly with no long term after effects...


thanks NM reef i appreciate your concern, thank you. i would have e-mailed you but don't have your e-mail address.
and druluv your right about the rubber glove, i have never come across this before. if my carpet does move again, you better know i will have gloves handy. thanks for the heads up about the gloves.
waterfaller my e-mail is
keep me posted when you get your computer going. until then we can look out for each other on swf.
and the vineger seems to be helping a little, thank you so much.