Should I be feeding mysis now?


I have been feeding my female Kelloggi Ocean Nutrition freshwater cylcops(freshwater copepods)
That is what the store was feeding her and I have been feeding her that for over a month now.
I want to try to get her feeding on frozen mysis.Or should I keep her on the cyclops?
What brands do you suggest?Also should I feed her saltwater or freshwater mysis?


Well I bought about 6 packs of Ocean Nutrition Mysis online tonight.I should get them on Sat. I am hoping the horse likes them as it will be easier to feed.
Should I keep feeding the cyclops along with the mysis for a while and slowly weed out the cyclops?


Well-Known Member
well it depends on whether your horses will take the mysis immediately! If you try feeding them both, the horse might ignore the mysis, since his favorite food is still there. I'd try the mysis by itself first, and see how he does with that by itself.