Should I buy this system?


SALT WATER TANK, 120 gallon, 175lb live rock, numerous coral/ fish, RO unit, metal halide, VHO lighting, $1000;
My first reef tank. I was looking forward to going _real_ slow and adding LR, wait a couple months, add a cleaning crew, wait a couple months, and a fish at a time every month until I get my 4-5 that I wanted (Tiger Shrimp/Watchman golby combo, Powder Blue Tang, baby clown pair, and a Mandarin). But is this a 'too good to be true' deal?

nyy fan

If it is a matter of money, then I don't really know? But if you are just getting into the hobby (like a lot of us on these BBs), then I would buy my own stuff and learn as I go. It is extremely rewarding to set something up from scratch and watch it come "alive". :D


It's somewhat a matter of money. My wife doesn't want me to spend the $2500-$4000 on a system (LR, lights, equipment).


If I had enough room I would buy that system. So buy it, the person you are buying it from has done a lot of the hard work for you. That is a good deal if it is a complete system(lights, LR, LS, Fish, Corals). <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


I would buy it and ask many questions on this board to ensure you get it all setup correctly. You can always take the livestock to your LFS for credit so you don't kill any as you learn. The equipment itself is worth well over $1000 for a 125gal not to mention you get the LR and LS. Go for it, but I think I would find a LFS you can trust and take the corals to them for credit.


Hi there!
Before I offer advise, I want to let you know that I am very new to this hobby as well. With that being said, here are my thoughts :)
What is the condition of the tank (how old is it, is it glass or acrylic, are there any leaks, are there many scratches, etc? How old is this setup? Why is the owner selling it (I assume you found this in a newspaper ad)? Find out some brand names. How old are the lights? Is the stand/canopy included?? Ask as many questions as you can think of! Once you find out this info, you can research it to see if this really is a good bargin.
My best advice is to read, read, read, and read some more. You can find a lot of good info here on the boards.
This is definitely a deal you should look into! Many people have gotten great bargins this way. I bought my first tank in pretty much the same way. I was in the process of buying a tank and setting it up "from scratch" but the fish store I was at had a display tank the exact size, equipment, and fish that I wanted. So I bought it :)
I hope this helps! If you do your homework, you'll know if this is something you want to purchase. Good luck!


Active Member
Hard to say without seeing it.
I'd be on the phone NOW and tell the person you are VERY interested .... then go look at it.
Under normal circumstances I would prefer to select my own equipment and tank.
In this case though - I would probably go dig up one of my mayo jars of cash out back - and if everything was in good shape - buy it.
Where's West Bloomfield hehehe ;)


I'll check about the instore credit. This deal seems pretty good. I went to take a look at it last night and everything was in good shape. His sump is a rubber maid but that is easily changed. One of his mushrooms was about 8 inches in diameter. They were growing like weeds :) .
There's one problem. My basement, which is where it would be going, isn't quite done yet and the guy said he wasn't interested in my buying it and him hanging onto it for a month. But all in all it looked really nice.
Broomer, the tank would be about 1 hr and 15 minutes from Toledo. West Bloomfield is about an hour from you.


I would definitely make the purchase. I spent well over $1000 just on my 75 gallon tank, stand, and lr. Not to mention the couple thousand more that the lighting, livestock, and equipment would cost.


I would buy it self if the tank is in a good condition and according to your info his mushroom is so big, I'm also assume that he got a good quality water parameters
175 lbls * 5 $/lbl = $875
RO cheapiest out there I found = $150
those 2 items alone = $1025
I am also assume that he got Protien Skimmer, filter, ...
The lighting system must be at least $400
The negative side - ALL YOU CAN CLEAN
Your other expenses after the purchase
Filter Medias
Light Bulbs (if it's old)
RO Unit filter
Salt (hopefully the guy have some left over for you)
Power Strips (if you dont have 1 or 2 laying around)
Ciruit Protection(If you are an electric technician you know how to make them or buy it's about $50 a unit)
Properly a paint job to do on the stand :)
That's all I can think for now
like other said, read read then ask ask