Should I buy this???


snipe I live in farmington I also have spoken with you on the fish heads forum. I am new to the saltwater world and I have no one but, the weird lady at "critters lane" in bonne terri that even has a saltwater tank. I have been talking to the guy at pet paridise in park hills and he is starting to get in to saltwater. how far away is "cabool just south of houston in texas county" from here? I have read many of your post and you really seem to know what your doing. Thank for all the great advise and I have many question to come I am sure of that! :yes: :yes:


Active Member
Originally Posted by bri23520
they wont die their pretty hardy!
They are fairly hardy as far as snails go... which is to say not very.
I bought 150 of the snails from the same location. Got 50 extra. Have had a grand total of about 5 die (in a week). Tremendous snails.
A couple of curious things about them though to be aware of. 1. They eat meat. Drop a piece of shrimp onto the bottom of the tank and watch. They seem to prefer meat to detritous or algae. 2. They don't spend a lot of time climbing around (though they are great at righting themselves if they get flipped over). 3. They seem to love a snady substrate, though their mouths seem to small to eat critters in the sand.
As far as too many is concerned, they are easy to feed.
Hope that helps.


Active Member
Yeah its just south were in texas county.
Mine climb on the glass all the time at any given time there are usually 5 or 6 on the glass. Most of the time they hide in the sand they dont acutally burrow in the sand they just dig down and set and wait. Mine do like meat alot better but they do help with algea. Im am never up when its completely dark so I dont know how many come out at night.


Active Member
i've bought twice off the same seller. i know it's the same b/c he/she has 800 out of 801 ads on eshay. :notsure: i hate those commercial sellers!!!!!!
anyways, mine arrived cheap as heck and all survived really well. until my crabs wanted better shells 4weeks later, lol.
it's a REALLY GOOD DEAL, just make sure you follow the ACCLIMATION INSTRUCTIONS included, as he and his son collect directly from the beach and do not do any acclimation.
i was on vacation when my second shipment arrived and about half died due to my gf's scaredness of slimy things. my first shipment went 100% success rate. i would truly buy from that guy again. search his success rate on ecay and you'll see my rating - maeistero. just def go for the quickest shipping and make sure you track and get it that day!!!
edit: (after seeing snipe's): i'm up early in the morn about 3-4am and there's like 100 out on the glass. i bought WAYYY too many for my tank b/c they all hang in the sand when i'm not looking. :thinking:


Active Member
If you are curing rocks in a container outside your tank that water is probably FUNKY... test it for ammonia, you'll see. The snails might live. Why risk it? They don't really clean rocks like some others do, so there is no reason to put them in there.


Thanks for all the advise :joy: :joy: I did actually purchase the 50 Nassarius Snails for $14.50 with shipping and I hope to see them early this week.
This and 5 bumblebee snails will be all I have in my tank as far as a cleaning crew do you think I need anything else?
Here is a pic I took of my tank today and I will let you know how everything turns out when I get the rock and snails. Thanks :jumping:
Any suggestion you can think of are very appreciated :thinking: :thinking:


Why don't you keep all 50 snails and get a spotted hawk fish. He will keep your population down just like it did to me.


Active Member
Nassarius snails will clean up your sand but don't really clean rocks or class. I'd get a few Astrea snails for that. Maybe about a dozen. Some pet stores call them turbos but Turbo snails are actually a different snail altogether! The larger snail in this picture is an Astrea.


I believe mexican turbos are fairly larger than the astrea snails which are also referred to as turbos. Just make sure you're getting astrea snails and not mexican turbos.


Active Member
Astreas will fall over were you cant get to them and will die. I wouldnt even bother with them. I bought 11 and have 3 left. The best glass cleaner I have is mexican turbos. As for cleaning rocks that is were the crabs come into play.


Active Member
I agree with Snipe on the Astreas. I bought 6 for my 37 gal. and I have 3, maybe 4 left, one is unaccounted for. Clumsy little guys...
So Snipe, when your Astreas died, did you leave the shells in the tank for other creatures? That's what I'm doing at the moment, but I want to make sure that's right.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Thats what I did. Once they fell on there back my other snails were on them instantly! So basicaly they ate them while they were alive. When they fall over there easy meals for anything! For cleaning glass mexican turbos or elbo grease is best.


Originally Posted by Snipe
Astreas will fall over were you cant get to them and will die. I wouldnt even bother with them. I bought 11 and have 3 left. The best glass cleaner I have is mexican turbos. As for cleaning rocks that is were the crabs come into play.

What kind and how many crabs would you suggest to clean 25#LR? I would like to have both red and blue leg crabs but can you do that?


Active Member
Yes you can mix hermtis. I have hermits and sally lightfoot crabs that clean my rock. My emerald crab dose to and my arrow crab used to before he disapeared.


Well I recieved my snails today and just put them in the tank. I got 60 of the little guys and look really good. I can't really tell if any of them are dead, how do you know that one is dead? Should I leave the dead snails in the tank?


Active Member
Yeah the other snails will eat the dead ones in no time. I ordered 20 hermits off a guy on that auction site and they all arrived dead!!! I was PO'ED! My snails made a quick meal of them. I didnt have time to acclimate mine I just dropped them in every single one of them took off right away. Snails "at least to me" arent as delicate as other creatures. Though some will disagree with me what has happend to me they arent. But some snails are more delicate than others. Like my astreas took alittle over 24 hours to move and my nassarius a few seconds.


I had to just drop my nassarius right in and had no problem. Most of them started moving right away. I decided to keep all of them which turned out to be 60. I also picked up 2 mexican turbo's from the LFS, which are acclimateing right now. I hope they will clean my glass because the nassarius will get half way up the tank and fall