Should I change my lights?


I just ordered new bulbs just so I have a couple spare ones on hand for when I need to change them. I am just curious on when I know I will need to change them and how I go about doing it? Do I just wait until they are off for the night and then just switch them or is there a method I should use? April is going to be the 9th month I have had the ones I am using now. Should I switch them out right away or wait longer. The lighting is 96w 10,000k PC and 96w Actinic. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
I guess you could change them now if you really want? If everything appears to be doing ok, I'd wait until the 12 months. That's what I plan on doing.... I'll buy some around month # 10, but wait until 12 if I can.


Active Member
PC lighting is optimum for at least 9 months, but starts to decline fairly quickly from there on out. The

eye will not be able to determine when they are no longer as bright. I usually watch my coral, but will change out by the 12th month. I changed all the bulbs at once, but know now this was not good for my tank. I got a case of red slime fairly quickly after this. :thinking:
I would suggest that you change out the actinics together, then the brights about a week later. I have 2 of each, actinics and 10,000k. Not knowing the size of your tank.....length of lighting, and how many bulbs, this should still work well for you.
I was amazed at how the tank was so much brighter. Remember, the lights will fade over time, but new ones are at their peak right off the bat.


Active Member
I'm curious... what is the life expectancy of T5's? I plan on getting some for my next tank setup someday.
And I have asked this a couple of times, but never get a definitive answer... when replacing my half 6700k half 10k dualdaylight bulb... would you recommend just getting a straight 10k bulb? What exactly does the 6700k bulb do for me?
Seems like most the new lighting is coming out with 10k lighting only, the reason I ask.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FranktheTank
I'm curious... what is the life expectancy of T5's? I plan on getting some for my next tank setup someday.
Interesting you should say that, I too am looking into new lighting. I have been pleased with my PC's however, am limited to the coral I can keep. What have you found out about T5's ? vs. metal halides. Or both?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
Interesting you should say that, I too am looking into new lighting. I have been pleased with my PC's however, am limited to the coral I can keep. What have you found out about T5's ? vs. metal halides. Or both?
Well, in all honesty... I think depending on what type of T5 lighting system you got for what tank you have, I think you could keep a wide range of corals (including some sps).
I've just heard of too many heat issues and high electricity usage with mh lights. I just don't want to spend $700-$1000 on a mh light, and then have to spend $400 on a chiller too.
I too am happy with my PC lights (current dual satellite) on my 46g. I just don't feel bad about my PC lights... I feel like too many people fall into this mh craze. I don't have a canopy, so I don't have a place to hide 3 fans used to cool the surface water... I don't want to hang my lights 12 inches high... And in all honesty, I keep a wide range of corals that makes me happy about my tank.
When I begin a 2nd tank setup (not sure if I will do a 72bow or a built in the wall tank) I will more than likely go with a T5 light set up just because I think they are better than the PC and run so much cooler than MH.
Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I am old school and I dont say that like its a good thing. I have MH stuck in my head as the end all be all for Reef Lighting.
If you remember when I set up the frag tank I used a bank of T5s. Bulbs are supossed to be good for 2 years. That makes one hack of a difference when looking at lighting prices for the long haul.
On reefs I still go MH but T5's make a great supplement for having different intensity simulating sunrise and set.
As for your 6500k question heres a graph for kelvin colors of sunlight.


Active Member
Thanks for the info, I will look into a 72" T5 combo of sorts. I don't have a canopy, so hanging is no problem. I will be moving the tank in June :scared: so I am looking into new lighting. We are having a room built off of the house just for the tank, (older home, need the support) so now is the time to be looking into lighting, so the electrician can be prepared. I will definately look into this type of lighting. Halides are drilled into your head, but heat, and cost can definately keep you away.
I have LPS, and softies now, but would like to go into more hard coral, and a clam.
Thanks, again.


Active Member
NO i stay WITH MH, nothing can budge me, I have a track record of nice growth and no limits with MH. Plus I like the shimmer of MH.
I bought a whole slew of T5's from a going out of business sale, but just have them in the closet waiting for a new project. Surplus never goes to wase. Look through the archive for my DIY frag tank on steriods. theres a bank of them over the frag tank that are crazy bright i built.