Should i get an anemone


Active Member
Try to get a clown that is already being hosted by an anenome. Those anenomes will be much more than $7 however. The Florida Condi I don't think will host a clown. You are taking a chance that a clown won't go into an anenome, but sometimes it takes time for that to happen.
if anyone knows if a Florida Condi will host a clown - please tell me, I might buy some clowns then...


If you just want something for your clowns (tank raised) to host in, try some other easier, and arguably more beautiful animals: Hairy mushrooms or toadstools. All the fun without the risk.
I have no experience with the hosting part, as I am new, but I've heard that it works, and I like the looks of these corals better than the pale anemones in my LFS. That's my plan. and I'm sticking to it!:)


Active Member
if anyone knows if a Florida Condi will host a clown - please tell me, I might buy some clowns then...
condies are like the anemone of the junkyard. kind of trash anemone...if you get what i am saying. Occasionaly a clown will host one, but more than likely it will not.


well i must be a lucky one. i got a anemone after only having my tank up for 2 monthes and it been doing fine ever sense. it under two no lights. but don't take this as im saying get it, and no i haven't had a clown host in it yet and they been together for almost six months now, they don't get even close to my anemone they just swim around allday long but there my 2 cents worth jr


Active Member
viperbtu- What type of anemone is it? The problem with anemones, is that they seem to be doing fine (six months is about average) then all of a sudden they just die, and usually fall apart and crash your tank. I don't consider 6months to be success for an anemone, show me one that has been alive for 10yrs or more and then I might be impressed (they live hundreds of years in the wild).
The bubble tip anemone which is the only anemone I would ever get, is also one of the most common for clownfish to host in. But you do have to do your research, pick out the right combination.
My clownfish hosts in a feather duster, many will host in all types of soft leather corals, and hairy mushrooms. They really don't have to have a host at all, they do just fine without it.


Active Member
It's the craziest thing, I think it took the feather duster a long time to get used to it, but now it could care less and my clown really gets aggressive in it too.
here is a pic:


there is one lfs where i live that has the poorest ugf system and the weakest lighting i have ever seen for saltwater. there lights look like regular flourecent lights and they are so dim that sometimes you cant even see what is in their tanks. They have anemones there and i felt bad and wanted to get them into somthing better, thats what got me started looking into this area. Im sure that lfs goes thru tons of livestock due to their poor lighting and they still continue to get them. I think i will complain next time i am in there.


Truth is it is a graveyard in there. they have yellow tangs in 20gal tanks. dead anemones in the same tank as live ones. bulbs that look like they are from the 70's and have never been changed. they should be shut down for animal cuelty. Thats why i usually buy nothing from there because they have no idea how to treat the animals so i just hope they go out of business.