should i get an emporer angel?


I think I want to get an emporer angel.(probably not right away, but down the road)
any thoughts? i know it says they should be in 100+ gallon tanks, but i think people tend to exaggerate on some things. I mean my 6line was in my 12g nano and everybody says that was waaaay too small but he was fine for almost two years.
i was also wondering how long they stay with their juvenile coloring? i really like that coloring better, and don't care much for the adult coloring. If it was only a couple months i think i would be dissappointed but if it is more than a year, i think i would come to like the adult coloring because i had the fish for so long.
i think i'm going to start with a 6line first, then the emporer is the only thing i've thought of i want, besides a porcupine puffer which was ruled out.
but maybe i'll also get a lawnmower blenny, and i'm open to ideas after that, but i'd like to have a decenty stocked tank.


Originally Posted by dempseyjosh
i know it says they should be in 100+ gallon tanks, but i think people tend to exaggerate on some things. I mean my 6line was in my 12g nano and everybody says that was waaaay too small but he was fine for almost two years.
You could survive in a closet for many years, but you wouldn't like it. If the space is too small, you will stress the fish and severely cut its lifespan. JMHO


Active Member
Are you suggesting an emperor angel in a 12g tank!
I have mine in a 180g moving to a 560g and he is cramped...dont even think about buying that fish without a 120g minimum...


Emperors are slow growers but I would say a 6" emperor would need at least a 125g or so. 6' long and at least 18" wide. If you buy one as a juvenile they don't fully change from what I understand. There was a guy on one of the forums who documented his emperor over a 3 year span and he never fully changed. Probably has to do with diet in captivity. If you have a big tank I don't see any reason not to try it. Just remember they like lots of sponge in their diet.


Active Member
What happened to your sixline that you had for nearly 2 years? I had mine for 8 years and it dominated, completely, a 45g tank. I acknowledge that I basically killed it in a tank crash. Otherwise I suspect it would have lasted much longer.
What people think is "fine" for a fish often ignores real issues. The real issue is the fish should outgrow that size tank. If it does not, it is a problem.
They are stunted. And stunting is not good.
IMO, no. You should not get an emperor angel unless you have a 100+ g tank and it will likely not thrive if it lives long. I would not even consider it in less than a 150, IMO. But then, many people do not care as long as they look good for a weekend party, so...many have money to blow for short term enjoyment. If this is you, then go for it.
But to really succeed in this hobby you have to work within your limits. By succeed I mean having healthy growing fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by sean48183
If you buy one as a juvenile they don't fully change from what I understand. There was a guy on one of the forums who documented his emperor over a 3 year span and he never fully changed. Probably has to do with diet in captivity. If you have a big tank I don't see any reason not to try it. Just remember they like lots of sponge in their diet.
I dont know who told you that but I have plenty of peoples documented Emp morphes to full adult colors. Also seen queens and Bluefaces.
Emps are not slow growers. I have had mine for about 5 months and he had added a solid inch if not more and is starting to change. Most people dont know what to feed these guys. They eat everything not just the samething everyday


Active Member
IME and opinion, it should change to full adult coloration in captivity. If not, this is a sign of a problem, as I stated above. I definitely agree with crypt keeper on this.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Not to get off track here but To the OP are you seriously planning on putting a Emp angel in a 12 gallon nano? Yes these fish can be available very small. I had one before this guy that was probably about 2 inches. But you are out of mind if you do that to such a proud huge fish. These guys get big and have an attitude to go with it. In a confine tank it will show this aggression and it will cause nothing but problems become stressed out and will die. They require lots of rock work. pristine water quality. Hiding places and caves. They also will not tolerate lazy owners.
The Emp will not change over night. They start to change like mine is now around the 4 inch range then dramtically change at the 5 inch range then should look like an adult around 6 inches or more.
Stick with the lawnmower blenny. These guys need a 180 gallon tank atleast once they get bigger. Mine is about 4 inches and in a 75. I have a 150 in the shed collecting dust till my house is down, sign papers on monday, then a 8 foot 400+ will be here in the next year or as needed.


I have an Emperor (Imperator) Angel and it definitely needs a 100+ gallon tank. The tank should be at least 8 feet long, because they do require lots of swimming room. I think the Emperor along with the Queen Angel, are some of the most beautiful fish out there. You would be doing a disservice to place a fish like that in such a small tank.
Originally Posted by dempseyjosh
I think I want to get an emporer angel.(probably not right away, but down the road)
any thoughts? i know it says they should be in 100+ gallon tanks, but i think people tend to exaggerate on some things. I mean my 6line was in my 12g nano and everybody says that was waaaay too small but he was fine for almost two years.
i was also wondering how long they stay with their juvenile coloring? i really like that coloring better, and don't care much for the adult coloring. If it was only a couple months i think i would be dissappointed but if it is more than a year, i think i would come to like the adult coloring because i had the fish for so long.
i think i'm going to start with a 6line first, then the emporer is the only thing i've thought of i want, besides a porcupine puffer which was ruled out.
but maybe i'll also get a lawnmower blenny, and i'm open to ideas after that, but i'd like to have a decenty stocked tank.


i don't have money to throw away like that, that's why i'm asking for a reaslistic answer on if i could house one or not. i like to think realistically about things, and i wasn't sure if people like to over exagerate things or what in this hobby. like when someone says it only takes 5 mins to get somewhere when in reality it takes 12. I'm sure having a 150+ gallon tank is nice for it, but should it be in any size tank, and not left in the wild.
no i wouldn't be putting it in a 12g nano, i just got a 75g and i i'm not sure what i'm going to stock it with.
the sixline just recently died. i'm not sure why, but i'm sure it happened from the move, the wedding and honeymoon, and the new job. . . it all added up to less time to take care of the tank. But now i'm back into a regular schedule for things. it happened overnight. he looked fine, he ate one day, the next he didn't eat as soon as i put the food in the tank and i thought that was wierd and the next day when i got home from work he was stuck to the intake of the powerhead.
but if the emporer is out of the question does anyone have any suggestions to go with a sixline and a lawnmower that is going to be equally as awesome looking as an emporer?


Active Member
An Emperor should last much longer than 2 years; 2 years isn't long for almost any fish. If you don't like the Emperor's adult coloration, why would you get one? I had one, prior to Katrina and relocating, that was 12+ years old. I plan on keeping the one that is changing now for at least that long. IMO, long term planning is one of the real keys to successful fishkeeping. Its very common for folks to fill a tank with juvis without realizing that fish DO grow....and, IMO, a 100 gal is not enough room for a full grown Emperor. I'm sure I could keep one of my dogs for 2 years in a 6"X8' kennel and he would be "fine" (whatever that means); but I'd never do it.