Should I go with Glass or Acrylic


Should I go with glass or acrylic? I am moving soon and I want to replace my 120 with another 120 and have the plumbing/drilling done the way I want on the new tank. I see the pros and cons for both materials and can not make my mind up. Help me decide.


I keep hearing it scratches too those with it agree with this. Do you regret going with acrylic?


acrylic for me.... glass is too heavy and has a greenish tint to it. acrylic scratches easier then glass, but shouldnt be a problem if your careful, when cleaning.


I have a 55 acrylic and it doesn't scratch unless a lot of force is put into it. If it does scratch you can by a repair kit.It is better than glass in any other way.:yes: :yes: :yes: :)


I know what you mean about the greenish tint. SO, with acrylic, if you do not move your rocks around much, your risks for scratches are low? what about cleaning you have to be really careful? Sorry for all the questions but I want to be happy with my decision. I have only had glass in the past. I like the "weight" factor. What about the access holes on the top of acrylic, are these a pain to deal with? Halide lights- are they a consideration?
Kip- I have been reading a lot about starfire glass. I like what I read. It does not appear the aquarium manufacturers are carrying tanks with starfire fronts. Does this mean these are only custom jobs? I think the clarity is night and day, but I dont think I can afford to have one made. If you do know where I can get one for decent prices, please drop me an email.


I built myself an acrylic just to see how difficult it was to maintain a small tank (about 20gal)..I have already scratched it in a couple of places by inadvertantly picking up a particle of sand in the pad.. other than that, assuming you don't use an ammonia based cleaner on the outside (makes it yellow), acrylic is pretty good..also if you do it yourself, make sure you put a support piece across the top or all around for support. They always seem to get a slight bow apparently... the drilling and weight are definitely the pluses...


I would not know for sure, but based upon the fact that you use a special glue for the acrylic, i would doubt it could be made to look really would need to use some sealer where the acrlylic meets the glass (just like an all glass aquarium)..That's one other thing about acrylic, the seams are transparent...



Originally posted by Kipass4130
Inter-American Pet supplies

Hey Kip, there might be a new "big dog" in town....before you order let em know.
jpawson, its a tough one. My first true reef was acrylic. Its was scratched so bad that after two years you could hardly see in. I'd never have another one. For some reason its seems that coralline grows faster or maybe sticks faster to acrylic.


ok, cool, and thank you all for your input. Here is my delema. I am moving in a few months. I have a 120 glass reef now that is doing excellent. Only problem is when I bought the tank my LFS told me I was crazy for wanting 2 drains. So I listened and have one 1' drain(internal overflow). I want more circulation/turnover in my sump than the 1 drain will alow me. Also, I recently added a closed loop system with a SCWD but my tank was not drilled for it. It works great but to tell you the truth- I hate the PVC in the tank.
What I want is another drain added- which will probably force me to remove the internal overflow and install a larger one.
Also I want 3 holes drilled on the back of the aquarium for the closed loop.
This is the delema....Do I try to have this work done on move day which would have to be percise and on time, or should I just purchase a new tank and have all this work done? I would sell my current tank and use the stand and canopy for the new.
What do you think? Is this overboard/crazy?


The only thing I didn't like about acrylic was the holes in the top. It was hard to reach the lowest parts of the tank along the front to clean.:happyfish