Should i leave?


Active Member
My lionfish is dieing, i just cant keep lions, one of my favorite fish, so y should i still be in this hobby?


Active Member
Look bud, maybe it isnt doing too well right now. Just next time, make sure it is eating frozen and your all set!! Please dont give up Cartman, you'll regret it, PLEASE dont.


Active Member
Thats it i'm changeing the topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What should i do,
A) get another lion?
B) get another fish?


Active Member
Well, if u REALLY like lions, then I would get another lion! Just next time, buy a bigger one so he will live longer if he doesnt eat right off the bat, make sure he is eating frozen, watch him eat, ask how long he's been there, etc! BAM! You got a healthy lion! Also, lions are VERY susceptible to ammonia poisoning. I know he isnt eating, but that could be adding to the problem. Spinning around in circles like you said in your other thread sounds to me like ammonia poisoning. What are your water params?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Well, if u REALLY like lions, then I would get another lion! Just next time, buy a bigger one so he will live longer if he doesnt eat right off the bat, make sure he is eating frozen, watch him eat, ask how long he's been there, etc! BAM! You got a healthy lion! Also, lions are VERY susceptible to ammonia poisoning. I know he isnt eating, but that could be adding to the problem. Spinning around in circles like you said in your other thread sounds to me like ammonia poisoning. What are your water params?
Nitrate- atleast 10
Ph- 8.2


Active Member
For nitrates you put "at least 10." That tells me that you didnt just test your water, you just guessed. Test your water and give us your REAL results.


Active Member
i did test my water (it dont tell me the EXACT number it gives you a color and you match the color to the number) It really wasn't at the right color of "light yellow" but it was lighter. So some where between 5-10 (meanign that light yellow is 10


Active Member
Oh, I am sorry about jumping on ya like that. Hmm, the symptoms sound like ammonia poisoning, and the symptoms you put on your other thread REALLY sound like ammonia poisoning!! ...but your ammonia is at zero... :notsure:


Staff member
How much research have you done on lions? Are you competent to keep them? Size tank?


Active Member
Since June of last year. I really do want to keep these creatures.....but somehow i cant
My tank is a 125gal


i was lik that i got 3 clowns in my backyard
but i finally got a tomato who is happy in healthy
keep trying just be very carful


Active Member
Originally Posted by crashedin0
i was lik that i got 3 clowns in my backyard
but i finally got a tomato who is happy in healthy
keep trying just be very carful
Just seems grandma had tomatoes in the back yard and kept us clowns in the house!!!
I'd say try another lion after your tank levels back out (maybe from the food you introduced or the dead lion).
By the way....if the lion isn't removed immediately will it release toxins into the water??? Like some cucumbers and puffers. I've never had one.