Should i mod my bio cube filter?



i was wondering what i should do to make it work better. It is a 14g biocube. Any ideas are apreciated.


there are a lot of things you can do to the biocube. I have a 14g and have removed the bioballs(trap nitrates) and added some denitrate cause i had a nitrate problem. I put some filter floss on top of the drip tray and replace the brown floss every week or so, but i had to cut the overflow to the drip tray to increase enough flow. Also took out the sponge/carbon filter in the first chamber and put in a regular sponge. Lastly took out the sponge in the third chamber and put some carbon in its place (since i took it out of the first chamber).
Some people make a refugium out of the bioball chamber. They scrap the paint off the rear of the tank where that chamber is and put a small PC light behind it and then put some chaeto and some lr rubble in it.
Oh yeah i also have an extra power head in the actuall tank part. but some people put them in one of the rear chambers and drill a hole in the back to leave more room.
You could also upgrade the lighting if you wanted clams or sps.
Just look around at the tank diaries and read about there mods (there is one guy out there that only runs carbon and thats it no sponges, or bioballs, or anything, but he has a lot of lr in his tank. Ill try to find the thread.


I want to put in better lighting to put in some corals. Can i get a higher wattage bulb while keeping the same bulb length? I don't know how to measure the bulbs, it is 11 from one end of glass to end of glass but with the plastic that as wiring in it, it is 12 inches. The bulbs are 10,000k 24 watt and actinic 24 watt. I want the 10,000k bulb to be 50/50 blue white. Is any of that possible? please help.


The first chamber on my biocube14 is filled with LR rubble for more surface area for bactteria = a more stable tank.
The second chamber on the cube is full of cheato. (macroalgea) for pod growth, and a natural nitrate and phosphate decreaser. A light in a box was then added to the back outside of the biocube and paint peeled off to the clear plastic to provide light for the macroalgea growth. I worded it bad but you can look at my thread on this site to see what I mean.
In the third I house my maxijet1200 and stealth heater.
With stock lighting you are able to do low to some med light demanding corals and some LPS with proper placment.
I have a 50/50 and a 10K on mine and really like the color of it. The 50/50 and actinic might be really blue, but you might like it. I dont believe anyone makes higher wattage bulbs for that length though.
Hope this helps


OK thanks. I have not put in fish yet and my nitrates are like 100. t has been set up for 2 weeks now. I have been running purigen since day 1. I have not put in any fish yet. I have 10 lbs of LR and an inch of sand or so. I have 1 skunk shrimp and some snails and hermits as well. There also seems to be plant-like algae growing on the glass (kind of looks like crabgrass) and it is growing where there is a lot of flow. The rock is loaded with coralline if that makes any difference. can anyone help?