should i or not



Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
is it still sushi if its fw?
idk maybe


Active Member
If it is a true green moray eel, then he'll reach up to 7ft long. If you have the tank to support such a creature then by all means go ahead. If not I would stay away...far far away! lol. Obviously there's a reason why it is so cheap b/c 99.9% of people w/ saltwater tanks cannot support this animal!


New Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Never, never buy an animal with the thought that one day you'll give it to an aquarium... these animals should not be collected. The Texas State Aquarium had one in excess of 7 feet when I was there during my college years. It was in an aquarium large enough for divers to do feeding presentations.
As for the shark; your 180 is not big enough for those either. They might survive, but cetainly not flourish in such confining space.

there are still primitive societies in east africa and south asia that have no luxuries and amenities which we as "modern" people take for granted. they don't travel but more than 5mi from their homes, are entirely self-sufficient, and function as a community. compare them to a fish tank where there is ample room for a fish to eat, sleep, and relax. and for those that want to argue about stunted growth... every species will adapt and evolve to their environment. either that or they will die. it's called evolution - *************************** for the sake of this duscussion, let's leave human creation out of the picture
. ;)



Originally Posted by alexrex20
there are still primitive societies in east africa and south asia that have no luxuries and amenities which we as "modern" people take for granted. they don't travel but more than 5mi from their homes, are entirely self-sufficient, and function as a community. compare them to a fish tank where there is ample room for a fish to eat, sleep, and relax. and for those that want to argue about stunted growth... every species will adapt and evolve to their environment. either that or they will die. it's called evolution.... ;)
No. Fish are amazingly adaptable, but just the fact that they have travelled 1000's of miles to our tiny aquariums and fed our prepared foods is adaption enough I think. No need to push it even more. Not to mention the DEFINITION of evolution is: "the process in which inherited traits become more or less common in a population over successive generations


Active Member
i know someone who had a 6in green moray in a 125
in like 6 months he was 10 inches and killed all the fish but 1
ok the green moray is done i,am not getting it and as far as the shark it hatched today awesome swimming around and i put a small silver side by him and he ate it . and he,ll be going in my 55 so i can watch him better and nake sure id eats than i,l put him in a bigger tank .again thanks


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
wait a minute surfin ur only 10?
yes, why :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexrex20
there are still primitive societies in east africa and south asia that have no luxuries and amenities which we as "modern" people take for granted. they don't travel but more than 5mi from their homes, are entirely self-sufficient, and function as a community. compare them to a fish tank where there is ample room for a fish to eat, sleep, and relax. and for those that want to argue about stunted growth... every species will adapt and evolve to their environment. either that or they will die. it's called evolution - it's not like the human race was made out of dirt. ;)
I have no idea what this means...

I will correct an important point I see, however. Species adapt (in this case we're talking about adaptaion, not evolution) over genrations. Throwing a 7 foot eel in a 200 gallon tank and expecting it to "adapt" or die is irresponsible. It will die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
yes, why :thinking:
just kinda took me by suprise, how long have u been in the hobby?


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
just kinda took me by suprise, how long have u been in the hobby?
about 3 years but my heater malfuctioned and everyhing died so i dont have a tank now but i can setup a big tank in a couple months


Active Member
u got a yellowhead? dude thats worse then getting a green almost, those things eat EVRYTHING, wait is he in ur 125?
yes i have had them before i made the mistake of putting it with a sfe and the sfe jumped out because the yellowhead tried to eat him. this one is a teddybear at the pet store there was a bird wrasse half his size laying on him and a baby green wolf eel also laying on him . he is cool not aggressive at all .oh my cat shark is eating good so far , silver sides !


Active Member
Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k
he is cool not aggressive at all .
thats wat alot of ppl at ***** told me when i wanted to buy a clown trigger and remembered that theyre killers


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
cool whatcha gonna put in it and sry for hijacking the thread clowntrigger
if your talking to me then im not really sure but i now its going to be an aggressive tank :happyfish
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
thats wat alot of ppl at ***** told me when i wanted to buy a clown trigger and remembered that theyre killers
clowntriggers get a bad wrap not all are mean i have had several
and will have another just havent found a one to my liking .i had a clowntrigger with yellow tangs , emperor angel , and a powder blue tang . no problems what so ever they were all together for about 2 yrs . one thing don,t feed them silver sides just krill and feed them often and all will be fine , get them small :)