should i or shouldn,t i

i got a awesome offer from the petstore they got really nice leopard sharks and they are small and eating real good very active ,well i got my golden puffer from them and the owner realy loves the puffer so he said he would trade a shark for my puffer should i or what need advice :D
125 and i have uv, protien skimmer,wet and dry the only thing in the tank would be a my eel and the shark i,am also thinking of selling my french angel but than i ,ll get a bigger tank in about a years time because i should be moving into a bigger house which means a bigger tank :D


Leopards grow fast and need a lot of swimming room. A 125 will be alright for a bit. Better get a BIGGER tank. Add 500 maybe.


i wouldnt. golden puffers are very cool. leopard grow too fast. unless you ar buildin another big tank now i wouldnt.


What will you do with the shark after it outgrows the bigger tank? It sounds to me like you need a little more planning before you get one of these.
i have talked to the aqurium near my house they will take the shark when he gets to nig for me and i can go see him as much as i want :D


its surprising that they have a small leopard this soon..... a 125 is way too small even for a small leopard....
whats so surprising the guy got about 5 of them and he offered to trade the sharks is small and will be ok for about a year you had 2 in a 180 and they were ok also he will be all along with a eel thats is always hiding in the rocks


alot of the times, if you get small leopards early in the season they are cut from the mothers belly..... this not only kills the mother but the pups are not the healthiest...
the two I had (a few years ago) was in a standard 180 (6x2x2)...
the problem with a standard 125 is its only 15"-18" wide.... IMO that is pretty tight....
it is only going to be in there for maybe 8 months and than i,am getting a 220 than i plan to build a tank for it ,but when it gets big he or she will go to the science museum down the street from me they alread told me they would take him and there is a man that also told me he would take it too and he has a big tanks i ,mean like 3000 gallons and up but either theres a place for the shark to go ,but after work today i should have him and i,ll take pics :cool:
well i got the shark today and he is awesome he is about 8 inches long ,there was another one there which i want to get but it will cost me 150 so i hvae to see what i can do or make hima deal but i traded my golden puffer and french and got a 40 dollar credit . he is so small but very active and when the guy put krill in the tank they went crazy for it ,i,ll take some pics soon ,the only thing i,am worried about is my eel he is a giant compared to the shark wish me luck :D