should i or shouldnt i?


I posted this in another forum but thought you guys might have some different opinions....
I have a 75 gallon that Im getting ready to set back up. Well I have been on the lookout for a new protien skimmer and such because mine was, well lets just say I went the cheap I have this under the tank wet dry thing, I dont know, but it is worthless and works intermittently. I want a real sump with fuge... So I was craigslisting and came across this....
120 Gallon glass aquarium (24" D x 24" H x 48" L)
Complete set-up with wood cabinet (stand) and all equipment required to operate such as: 55 gallon custom refugium, protein skimmer, refugium return pump, circulating pumps, overfow box with extra lifter pump, uv sterilizer, and heater (See note below about lighting), also included is a 20g set-up used as a hospital tank.
Protein Skimmer: ASM Model G-1 of G-2 (Not sure)
Powerheads: Hydor Koralia 4 (2 each)
UV Sterilizer: Coralife Turbo-Twist 6X
Main Circulating Pump: Danner Supreme Mag-Drive Model 18
Overflow Box: CPR Model CS102
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The livestock consists of (2) marroon/yellow paired Clowns, (1) Firefish Golby, (1) Bi-color Angle, (1) Golden Head Goby, (1) Sailfin Tang, and various snails & crabs.
Coral consist of Xenia, Green Star Polyp, and a Leather
Also included is 200 pounds of liverock and a 3 inch base of livesand.
I will sell off the livestock because I want to do a trigger tank. I also have about 90 more pounds of live rock to add... I already have a MH, PC, Moonlight, lighting system that will fit it.
The tank looks rough right now, but it seems to have all the right stuff. 500 bucks. What do you think?

small triggers

Active Member
WAHOO, if i were you id be jumping up and down (okay and if i had the money id be calling them myself)... so it sounds like a good plan to me and i do love me some triggers!


ya im thinking im gonna go for it.... i mean 200 lbs of live rock would cost me at least 700 (cheap) and the skimmer and everything else... i think im gonna go for it... now to figure out the hole in the wall....this could get messy...haha...yay~!