should i pull the trigger



:D i have always wanted a triggerfish in my 75 but i plan on kepping coral. is there any way this is possible? i want a huma-huma and a niger trigger. thanks


Here is my opinion, no Huma's are not reef safe....but they are now AS distructive. I am not taking anything away from reef tanks, because once I gain more experience I'd like to have a reef tank, but my Huma Huma is the single most entertaining fish I have ever had. He is so much fun to watch, he comes to the glass whenever I walk in the room, he spits water out of the tank when feeding, and even though right now he is being a trouble maker, he is the coolest fish around IMO.
Today I switched from CC to sand, and right when the water really cleared up, he started landscaping the sand bed, now I can't see from on end of the tank to the other. He is digging a hole all the way down to the glass bottom of the tank. Once you have a Huma Huma you won't want anything else, They're cool!


so he wont bother coral?
btwi notice you play drums, how long have you been playin? 1 half year for me.


He may mess with corals as he gets older. I've been behind the drums for9 years. I Have a Ludwig Elite Rocker with DW pedals and stand and Paiste cymbals with a Zil Bel. A Pearl piccolo snare.......very loud!!


:eek: :eek: cool!! i have a yamaha stage custom, i like it , but wow yours is awsome:eek:


oh i forgot, its the same situation just instead of trigger its a porcipine puffer, will he bother corals:confused:


I would never put a humu in with corals. I have sponges growing on the bottom of my LR and i flipped a piece over and instantly he was violently biting at them.


I'm gonna go ahead and say take Armegeddon's advice over mine.......he's is much more knowledgable than me. Like I said, I don't have a reef tank so i am only telling you what I've read. Nontheless, I love my Huma!!


As much as I love triggers... including my puffers.
My local guys told me NOT to introduce reef specimens into my tank, unless I wanted to have them chewed up.
It's natural for tangs, triggers, etc. to nip at rock... that's fine for all the base rock, etc... but can be damanging to corals, etc.


Maybe my setup is out of the norm, but i beg to differ on fish and reef.
I have two triggers and one porky puffer in a 90g reef tank with 130#'s rock. No one has ever eatin a invert, or any of my corals.
Yes the triggers due chew on the rock, but since i have some CC in my sand bed, he chews on that stuff all the time.
My biggest problem is getting the white dust off my inverts, turkey baster to the rescue.
I guess its really in how its setup the choice of food and plain o'l luck.
Hope this helps.
Here is a ful tank shot.