should i put a tang in my 55g tank?


Originally Posted by petjunkie
Why wouldn't you have live rock? All my tanks have at least two pounds per gallon and they do all my filtration for me, plus considering how much the fish hide in it, I couldn't imagine they would be comfortable without it. Angels and tangs are constant grazers and will eat any algea that grows on the live rock, I hope you are supplementing algea sheets for your algea and also feeding a frozen sponge diet. I think a fish as large and active as a tang shouldn't be in most tanks, no live rock just makes it even more of a bad idea. Also to all the people whose tangs are "happy" in 55s, it must be nice to have that psychic link with your fish to know how they feel.

live rock does make for a more natural habitat and some species would suffer and not survive long without it.
but there are plenty of fish that do just fine without it.
any rock makes a fish feel at home, to hide, to sleep, etc.
for example, all my tanks have live rock except for one.
the one without live rock is a 55g and has 120 lbs of tufa and aquarium grade lava rock (inert)
if the poster only has clowns at the moment then they will be fine with whatever rock is in the tank. yellow tangs do well without live rock as long as they are provided with plenty of vegetation, and foods soaked in vitamins.
as for a frozen sponge diet, well not all live rock grows sponge.
only one of my reef tanks has a large colony of sponges growing under the live rock caves, it is also present in the filter box, which looks pretty frightening.
i have a lemonpeel angel now with no live rock. eat frozen foods, angel flakes but wont touch algae sheets. even my coral beauty in my reef tank wont eat nori.
how do you keep a tank clean with no live rock? thats very simple, its called a filter and a skimmer, along with water changes


Active Member
Well I never said I would put a tang in a 150 either and I never stated live rock grew sponges, simply that you should be feeding angels a "frozen" diet with sponge because it's part of their natural diet and will help prevent HLLE. You don't need live rock but I would at least hope there is something for the fish to hide in, tufa rock or live rock or whatever but is lava rock safe? I was under the impression it could leach minerals, maybe that was something else though. To the original poster, I wouldn't add a second angel as they will likely kill each other, maybe a hawkfish or sand dwelling wrasse. Unless you want shrimp as they will be snacks.