Should I put my pumps inside my sump or outside of it?


I am going to install the pumps to my return and to my protein skimmer. My return pump is a mag7 and my skimmer pump is a sen 900, I have the option of installing the pumps directly in the sump or I can keep them outside the sump. Which would be better if any?

bang guy

In sump = Quieter less chance of a leak
Out = Cooler
If you have heat issues external is the way to go.


Hi MMYNC. Its all about preferance. But with the pump you curently own the mags are better in the water for a few reasons. there quieter, but more importantly the creat less heat in water then inline. you don't want to heat up your water with your pump.
personally I prefer inline water pumps. I use a little giant which is external only. But with the pump you have in the water is best. If you want to go inline then get a diferent pump.