should I put my tang in my QT???


sometime in the begining of the wk my yellow tang and and coral beauty, had lil white specs on them they were new to the tank and I had woke up one morning and they were like that and when I came back from work with medication it was gone so I've don't nothing.... well my yellow tang still has a clump of white on it's tail fin.... and I just did a water change I did 10g out of my 45g tank and was wondering if I should treat em' or not? a guy from the LFS said that his fish had Ich and he did nothing he did a water change and they just got better over time and that he'd never lost a fish from Ich and that he never has treated anytime he had it... that he just did a 50% water change.... gimme advice....

sinner's girl

50% water change is iffy...also, and I'm sure you've been told, but yellow shouldn't be in a 45gl. And a water change won't get rid of ich (at least not that I've heard)
check the other forum, and faq on how to treat ich. Hospilinity(sp) the way most go. You lower your sg slowly and keep it low for a certain period of time...
How big is your qt? You don't want to stress him out more...and he needs a bigger putting him in a 10gl may do more harm...
you'll have to treat all fish and keep main tank empty of fish for 6 weeks. if you have inverts you cannot treat your main tank.


what if I move the star to the 10g QT and treat the DT? and yes I know I' need the tang in a bigger tank but I haven't made the 135g in to SW yet!!! the tang is the smallest from the LFS, how long will it be ok in the 45g with the 2 clowns and the coral beauty?

sinner's girl

don't know, how big is long have you had it, how is it acting...can't tell you...
what if I move the star to the 10g QT
what are your levels for the QT? make sure you acclimate the star and don't just throw him in...also, to treat ich, you need the tank clear of ls and lr (I think...maybe that's just if you use med's but it would seem that the low sg would kill what's in the lf and ls...ummm)...using fake stuff or pvc pipe for fish to hide...
you need to treat all fish if you have ick, first, make sure that's what you have, or you'll stress everyone for no good reason, and imo, 10gl is way to small to treat them all in.
read this And check out the other posts on Disease & Treatment. there should be more info on the FAQ fourm, but I didn't see can search.
I've never had ich so I can only point you in the right direction.


thanks I'll check into it. ..... another question really quick.... I have a clay pot in my DT for some fish to hide in, is that fine? it has not been glazed it's just a cheapie pot from Garden Ridge

sinner's girl

I really don't know...I know they are fine in fw...but I've never seen them in sw...sorry can't help.


a bk I read mentioned that you could use a clay pot for hiding... but alot out of that bk I have learned that many hobbyist don't agree with on this site..... this is the same bk that told me that it would be better to use an ugf on SW so.... I will start a thread about that tomorrow I've got to catch some Z's so good night


Active Member
I would start by feeding garlic treated foods like formula 2. Or you can add garlic extreme to the food your feeding around 3-4 times per day. Do water changes as needed since your feeding extra. At the mean time, get a bigger QT tank around 29 gallons would do since they're not that big(depending what you mean by small). Garlic will boost their immune system and it can help'em fight off ich from my experience. Don't knock it til you try it. :happyfish