Should I QT invertebrates and corals?


Active Member

Originally posted by Sultan
Can you explain? I'm about to set up a 5 gal QT.

a 5 gal QT tank is the very reason I'm against it. Putting fish in a small tank like that for weeks just seems to me it would put more stress on a fish.


I also think a 5g qt might be a bit to small, especially if you use it as a treatment tank for doing hyposalinity.
As for qting corals, I'm starting to agree that its best to qt live rock and corals.


i QT fish always and only QT corals if they come from a tank with fish....ich can be introduced on the rocks corals are attached too



Originally posted by fishtanker
i QT fish always and only QT corals if they come from a tank with fish....ich can be introduced on the rocks corals are attached too

That's very conscientious of you. You are setting a good example!
I'd add one more thing. Get a least a 20 gal long tank for you QT. That way stress shouldn't be an issue. Of course, the size and type of the fish that you are buying would determine the "best" size QT.


Staff member

Originally posted by golfish
No, there's not need, but then I feel QT-ing fish does more harm then good

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

jb rekit

I'm QTing everything from here on out.
After putting in my tang and realizing my fish had ich, I had to catch them all and put them in a QT for a month. It was a pain in the rear and I would much rather QT something in the beginning than to have to catch everything later again b/c I was too lazy to do it the right way.

jb rekit

And not that I enjoy losing an animal, but I would rather find out that there is something wrong with my fish before it goes in the tank and run the risk of stressing out that 1 new fish than to introduce him to the tank and possibly have to stress out and maybe lose 12 fish in a QT for a month.