Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

So i have been running a 100 gallon reef tank for about 2 months and I have 2 skimmes. One aquarium systems HOB type and one thats built into my 150gal pro-clear. My question is can you have too much skimming. I did a water change the other day and both skimmers went crazy I had to dump the collection cup like twice in an hour. what should I do? My water parameters are as follows
Calcium 520ppm
Phosphate- 1.0ppm
Temp 82F
Nitrate- 0
Salinity 1.024


Why would your skimmers go crazy after a water change? Mine only do if I notice a fish has injured a fin and I add a little Melafix.
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
Why would your skimmers go crazy after a water change? Mine only do if I notice a fish has injured a fin and I add a little Melafix.
I dunno but they did after i did a water change they just started bubbling up like crazy and i turned one of them down by shutting the air valve a little bit.


Did you change any chemicals used to purify the water?
Any meds or anything?
My skimmers have done that when I changed brands of chemicals.....


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
well i do use a dechlorinator in it and instant ocean salts thats about it.
Do you use ro water. I think they remove chlorine. How long do you mix the water in your vat tank?
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
Do you use ro water. I think they remove chlorine. How long do you mix the water in your vat tank?
I haven't been using RO water I been using tap water. and i have been mixing my water and immediately placing it into my tank during water changes I've just learn that I should mix my water a day or so before i do a change, I'm learning something new everyday on this site


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
I haven't been using RO water I been using tap water. and i have been mixing my water and immediately placing it into my tank during water changes I've just learn that I should mix my water a day or so before i do a change, I'm learning something new everyday on this site
Good, keep learning.
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
By the way, ro water will make algae problems smaller and you can get a ro unit for $100.00.
please tell me where i can get an RO unit for 100.00? and don't I need RO/DI water or just ro water?


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
please tell me where i can get an RO unit for 100.00? and don't I need RO/DI water or just ro water?
You can get RO/DI for $100.00 but it is against this forums rules for me to tell you where. All I can say is online.
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
You can get RO/DI for $100.00 but it is against this forums rules for me to tell you where. All I can say is online.
Ok my bad. So what brand RO/DI do you use or would you suggest?


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
well i do use a dechlorinator in it and instant ocean salts thats about it.
What dechlorinater have you been using? If it is something like stress coat, that will cause your skimmer to foam like crazy. Google RO/DI unit.


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
Ok my bad. So what brand RO/DI do you use or would you suggest?

I have a Mighty Mite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
What dechlorinater have you been using? If it is something like stress coat, that will cause your skimmer to foam like crazy. Google RO/DI unit.
Agree, De-Chlorinater like Stress Coat will make your skimmer foam like crazy. You can search for airwaterice for a good RO/DI system.....
Originally Posted by sepulatian
What dechlorinater have you been using? If it is something like stress coat, that will cause your skimmer to foam like crazy. Google RO/DI unit.
Yep thats exactly what I have been using how did you know
you guys are good


Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
so should i use both protein skimmers or is there such a thing as too much skimming
I have 2 skimmers on my 125g. What skimmers do you have and what tank size are they rated for.
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
I have 2 skimmers on my 125g. What skimmers do you have and what tank size are they rated for.
i have an aquarium systems HOB type I have no idea what its rated for though and i have one thats built into my proclear wet/dry filter and the filter is rated for 150 GALLONs so i guess the skimmer is too

al mc

Active Member
IMHO you can not skim too much. I have two skimmers on both of my larger DT systems. A little more electricity..but they both pull out plenty of organics/junk.