Should I start using additives???


Ok fellow reefers, I am now wanting to be fully committed. I have never added any additives to my 90 gl. It has been fowlr since setup almost a year ago. I have now begun adding corals, ie two small colts, and a green star polyp. I also have a crocea clam and a beautiful common anemone. Anyhow, everything seems to be thriving and I hate to fix it if it ain't broke, but I think its time to start using some additives. I use DT' phyto for spot feeding these guys, and Dt Oyster Eggs every other day during feeding just poured in with the fishes food. I have some pretty good purple coraline growing on my lr and some other colors too, but I have never gotten to the point where I have the red spots on the glass that I see in everyone else's setup. Not that I want to be scraping that off the front of the tank all the time, but I just want to be sure I'm doing all that I can. I want to add more rock and corals in the near future, where should I start. Everything in there now is doing very well, but am I missing anything that could create a better environment? Thanks for any input.

bang guy

In my humble opinion you should never dose anything you don't test for. Start with Calcium and Alkalinity test kits.
You don't know if you need to dose unless you know what the current level in your tank is.


Your coraline growth may be due to lack of a steady pH/alkalinity/calcium level.
The only additive you should be considering in this case, would be the 2 part b-ionic. This will help with stabilizing your buffer sytem and getting proper parameters for growing coraline, which is usually a great indicator of tank health in regards to this.
Dosing anything else is usually not nessecary, and you should get all your trace elements from proper water changes.