Should I take this out?



I got some base rock from my dad (was live rock until he quit the hobby) and decided to use it in my tank. I was looking at one of the pieces today, and it almost looks like it is rusting or something. The spots that look like a dark red almost black color also look like they are almost decaying or something as well. Should I be worried and take it out or should I just leave it alone? If I do have to take it out, can I get another piece of live rock from the lfs without it causing another cycle (I have an emerald crab, a cleaner shrimp, and 15 nassarius snails)? Thanks in advance


Active Member
i would take it out and put it in a QT until you figure out what it is. and yes you can get another rock and add it directly to the tank as long as its cured.


This is what it looks like...

I was thinking I should take it out too, I was just hoping I would be able to replace it with lr since the piece I would be taking out is holding up other pieces.


Active Member
actually i used to have some of that on my LR when it was new, i just figured it was some kind of algae and left it in the tank. my rock has colored up since then, so i have no idea if its still there. i hope someone else knows what it is!
anyways, i left it in my tank with no ill effects, so i think your probably OK to leave it in.


if the rock was dried out for a while and you rinsed it off before putting it in the tank it will be fine


We ran some RO/DI water over it and in the holes. It had been dried out for about 2 years.

reef diver

Active Member
Sometimes the chemicals that decomposers release can stain a rock like that when it has been left out to dry.


Active Member
yea, it sticks around also until covered by coralline. i have it as well and thought it was rust but it isnt