Should I use stress zyme or not


Is stress zyme ok or should it not be used???I have a 20gal with tropical play sand in it, no LS or LR and I am going to put a raw shrimp in, should stress zyme be used or is it a bad idea???



Originally posted by AAndersen
Is stress zyme ok or should it not be used???I have a 20gal with tropical play sand in it, no LS or LR and I am going to put a raw shrimp in, should stress zyme be used or is it a bad idea???

Hey there AAndersen,
I am also in Minnesota and just set up a 20 gal. for the first time. I am using Stress Zyme in my tank because I did the same as you. No LR or LS, but instead of shrimp, I am using two mollies (with the feeding) to condition my tank.
My ammonia has rose to 2.0 but nothing else has come up yet (still to early from what people tell me), so I can't tell you if the stress zyme is working yet. However, I asked the same question and got the response to keep using it but stop using Amquel to fix the ammonia (could keep the bacteria from growing do to nothing to "eat").
Hope that helps.
P.S. Where in MN. are you? I'm in White Bear Lake (north of St. Paul):D



Originally posted by saltytom2
i have used ls and stress zyme. the salidity spiked super high.
don't do both.

Sure, now you post this after I just went out and bought 10#of live sand and added it to my tank not more than 10 min. ago.
I'll check my water real quick, hold on......
Here is the results:
SG = 1.023
Sal. = 31
It seemed to go up from:
SG = 1.022
Sal. = 30
I can live with that.



Originally posted by AAndersen
Im in Burnsville, I gave up on the Stress Zyme and just got some LS...

Same here. I just bought 10# of it and added on top of my soft white powder sand
. I love the way that fine powder sand looked, now it's all messed up with not so small sand
. I guess I'll have to live with it.


Now that we have added the live sand, should we mix it up with our other sand or just leave it on top of the sand already in there? In other words, stir it all up or leave the two different layers?


I am just leaving it on top but would like to know if I should stir it up also, anyone have any feedback???


Active Member
IMO - no need to stir it up. Just let the live sand rest on top of the playsand - and let nature run it course.