show me da killers



Well, it may not be the baddest of bad killers, but it is vicious! Here's my foot long Fimbriated Eel (Gymnothorax Fimbriatus)! Enjoy!


My Fimbriated Eel

My Bluelined Triggerfish

My Clown Triggerfish

My newly acquired what I believe to be a Titan Triggerfish. Pretty sure it is. Currently separated from my main tank. Picking up a bigger tank tomorrow just for him.



Originally Posted by DKNewYork
My Fimbriated Eel

My Bluelined Triggerfish

My Clown Triggerfish

My newly acquired what I believe to be a Titan Triggerfish. Pretty sure it is. Currently separated from my main tank. Picking up a bigger tank tomorrow just for him.

Thats probably not a titan trigger, I think it is a yellow margin trigger.


Active Member
That is definitley a Titan trigger. You can tell by his black mask. He is going to be a BAD BOY...what size tank are you going to put him in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
That is definitley a Titan trigger. You can tell by his black mask. He is going to be a BAD BOY...what size tank are you going to put him in?
I don't know CC, the youngster (surfinusa) may be right, that looks like a Yellowmargin to me, I think Titan's usually have more color....Either way, its awesome.
Both Fimby's are fantastic too.


Active Member
The main givaway to the Titan vs. the Yellowmargin is the mustache over the upper lip of the Titan. Also the tail is a big givaway. Yellowmargins have a similar to that of a crescent moon. Titans have a fan like a clown trigger.