Show me thoses Dwarf Angel's


Thanks. is yours aggressive? i heard they can be very nasty but mine just leves all my other fish alone and eats alge all day. he gets a little mad at my lawnmower blennie i think because they compete for food but other than that he is just fine.
Considering I have a Maroon Clown and a Redfin Fairy Wrasse in the same tank with the Rusty and a Firefish, next to the Firefish the Rusty is the least aggresive and as a bonus it eats hydroids and Aptasia, I no longer have any in my tank at all.


Active Member
I'm thinking of trying one in my 75 with my pygmy angel (yes, I know you aren't supposed to mix angels) b/c my pygmy is VERY docile.


Here's my lemonpeel...usually very well behaved, but ocassionally gives the ocellaris a little chase around the tank...
