show me your tang pics



My purple tang just died after having him for a couple years. I am wanting to find another tang or two that will have plenty of room in my 125gallon tank with my hippo tang. I know everyone has their opinion about putting tangs together but I have had the hippo, purple and foxface together at the same time without issues. The foxface finally got to big so I gave him to someone with a bigger tank. Anyway, Anyone have any suggestions or pics of what might work with the hippo? I want something besides purple just to change things up a bit. maybe a yellow and something else compatible.


Active Member
Do you know why your purple tang died? I have sailfin, 5 yellows, purple, and kole in with my 2 hippos for nearly 3 years. Im not suggesting any of these but just telling you whats in my tank.


He has been acting funny for the last week not swimming around much and finally today he was stuck on the power head. He has been in with the hippo for almost a year and they didnt fight so I am not suspecting him.


Active Member
:thinking: are 'tang pics allowed on this board? :notsure: just kidding, sorry for your loss and if you don't get my joke. kcmo or ks?


great personality with this fish, here is my Naso Tang. she is awesome. Can't go near the tank without her following you around it!!


Im on the Kansas side of the border. What are you thoughts of adding a blonde naso in my 125 with the hippo? Besides the hippo I have 3 percula clowns and a royal gramma so bio load should be okay.


Your tang was a good return on investment. 2 years is a long time for any of our fish. How about a sohal tang?


I was looking into a sohal but from what I have been reading they are pretty agressive toward other tangs. I like the red sea sohal.
I have narrowed my choices down to either a blonde naso, chevron, or red sea sohal. However the red sea sohal and chevron are pretty expensive so I hate to add them into the tank with the hippo and then have them stress out and die and waste all the money. If I dont get many more posts on this thread I may post a thread and have everyone vote from the 3 listed above.


Active Member
Do you know that a Chevron will loose its nice colors and turn mostly black after a few years?


hi, I am getting ready to upgrade my tank to minimum 180. The sohal and naso get BIG. Too big truly for a 125. I originally thought that upgrading to a 125 would do it, but no way..she is growing quick. They are like long fish and unlike the blues, they don't go slushing through the rocks in thin places, they are thicker fish that go around stuff, through tunnels but can't squirm through rocks like some of the others do. My naso zooms across fast tank now...but will soon outgrow my 90....just a thought, you might want to reconsider with a smaller type tank....