Show off your coral beauty's


Active Member
Renogaw posted a picture of his coral beauty, beautiful by the way, however I got to thinking there are so many different colorations of the same fish. :thinking: I know it depends on where it is captured, mine is suppose to be a Marshall Island coral beauty. Has been a wonderful addition to the tank. Lots of spunk, and boy can he swim! Lets see those beauties. :joy: ***)



Active Member
Excellent photo's, let's keep them coming. ***) Halo_Frk03....mine is in a 125g. But you should be able to keep one in a 55 or larger. Some keep them in smaller tanks, but can lead to behavioral issues. They swim very, very fast darting into all the rock work. IMO, the larger the tank the better.


Active Member
Thanks for sharing, all. Lets see more. ***) Notice how they all have different coloring? I saw one today at the LFS that the purple was almost black...very dark. These really amaze me. Too bad you can't have more than one in same tank.


Here are some pics of my Dark Purple which nobody else seems to have posted yet. I have had him for almost 4 years.



i've had mine for years and it may have turned a little bit darker but I wouldnt say it lost its color so much as it changed a bit.


Active Member
Awesome pictures everyone. They are like fingerprints, no two are the same. I know there are more out there, keep them coming.


Originally Posted by Debbie
Here is my coral beauty
Debbie. Whats that in your avatar? I want one. Hopefully it will grow in a 12 gallon with stock lighting.