Show off your coral beauty's


Active Member
Originally Posted by rad
Debbie. Whats that in your avatar? I want one. Hopefully it will grow in a 12 gallon with stock lighting.

When I find out I want one too..... :hilarious
I honestly don't know, I just loved this picture and used it as an avatar. Sorry I could not identify it but I am sure someone here would be able to tell you. If I were to guess it would be some type of an anemone.


Active Member
Now that everyone is back from the holiday's......Come on you guys I know there are more coral beauty's out there......


heres my coral beauty, im jus wondering, do coral beautys change color as the mature, and do the little spikes on the gills grow as well while they are maturing?


Active Member
heres mine in a 150- sooo hard to get a good pic! my oldest fish at this point she is coming up on 2 years


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
heres mine in a 150- sooo hard to get a good pic! my oldest fish at this point she is coming up on 2 years
Since you have had yours for 2 years and many have asked....has yours changed colors?


Active Member
the only color changes i have seen is the occasional white scratch on her face or sides when she gets scared and swims to fast into the rock work for her own good lol!
no real noticeable change at all, i believe that is simply a matter of genetics, and can even be like a finger-print as someone else mentioned above, like whale flukes, etc etc.
oh yea and 2 years, and that is the only single decent pic i have ever gotten! :happyfish