I recently converted a 20H into a sump/fuge. There are 3 compartments, skimmer in the first, fuge 2nd, bubble traps, then return (of course) in the 3rd. Still gathering stuff for the fuge, so it's not up yet. I would love to see pics of other sump setups.
How do you incorporate more filtration into a sump? Can I be putting chemical media into the sump somehow without a reactor? What are the chemical media trays I hear people talk about?
Thank you for the help! (My fish thank you too. Right now they live in a nasty brown sand world...
I recently converted a 20H into a sump/fuge. There are 3 compartments, skimmer in the first, fuge 2nd, bubble traps, then return (of course) in the 3rd. Still gathering stuff for the fuge, so it's not up yet. I would love to see pics of other sump setups.
How do you incorporate more filtration into a sump? Can I be putting chemical media into the sump somehow without a reactor? What are the chemical media trays I hear people talk about?
Thank you for the help! (My fish thank you too. Right now they live in a nasty brown sand world...