Show off your Tangs/Surgeonfish!!

coral keeper

Active Member
Like the title says. Show off your Tangs/Surgeonfish!!
Here is my 8 inch Brown-Eared Surgeonfish.(pictures are kinda old, hes much fatter right now)
(Old pictures)

Him getting cleaned by the Neon Goby. :)

Mug shot.


Well-Known Member

LOL...I am jealous! My fish hide when I get near with a camera, they think it will eat them or something.
Yours looks like they posed.


I can never get any sharp pictures of these guys because they're always moving but here's Peanut and JD.



Hey Coral Keeper, this is what I beleive to be a bristletooth tang of some sort, not the greatest shot, but the only one I can get to download. It was sold to me as a yellowfin tang, but more and more, I think it is a bristletooth of some sort, especially when I saw your post of your bristletooth. Any thoughts as to what kind?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

LOL...I am jealous! My fish hide when I get near with a camera, they think it will eat them or something.
Yours looks like they posed.
same here, cant get a picture for the life of me. plus the LFS where I got them said that the owner was taking pics and they would just pose for her.

Did manage this one of my naso tho.


Active Member
you love tangs, dont you Coral keeper? I know you started a thread like this on another forum as well awhile back.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Moondog
Hey Coral Keeper, this is what I beleive to be a bristletooth tang of some sort, not the greatest shot, but the only one I can get to download. It was sold to me as a yellowfin tang, but more and more, I think it is a bristletooth of some sort, especially when I saw your post of your bristletooth. Any thoughts as to what kind?
My guess is that it's a Bristle Tooth Tang, but not 100% sure on the kind of Bristle Tooth Tang or the scientific name.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are a few pictures that I took today!
Brown-Eared Surgeonfish (Acanthurus gahhm or Acanthurus nigricauda) flashing away. She looks AMAZING when she flashes! Pictures don't do her any justice(sp?)!

And my favorite picture!!