The queen trigger is about 7 inches or so and i have had her since she was about 1.5 inches.She has no aggression except towards food.Also she is already spoken for when she gets to the point of being to big for the tank or to overly aggressive.She will be going to a 450 gallon tank.I have had the goldenheart trigger for about 6 months or so and was only around 1.5 inches when i got her.She is now about 3.5 inches.Very fast grower just like the queen trigger.She seems to be more aggressive then my queen at this point.And yes the tomato clown is gone.Believe it or not but it got aggressive towards my guinea fowl puffer and started biting his tail.
Originally Posted by
Amazing the Lion is alive with that crew....How big is the queen? Looks 6 or 7 inchs, she may be a problem in a 6 foot tank when she gets closer to a foot long, thats when people say they become horribly belligerant. How long have you had the Goldenheart Trig? They are pretty new to the hobby, same shape as the Queen, similar behavior?
All beautiful fish though....Did you forget the Tomato Clown on your list or is it not in anymore?