Show us your: Wrasse

big pat

I don't have a wrasse, but I would love to see some different types because I want to get one soon. So Please show me some pictures.

big pat

I don't have a wrasse, but I would love to see some different types because I want to get one soon. So Please show me some pictures.


Well All I Have Right Now Is A 12 Gallon. My Big Tank Is A While A Way. Is A 12 Way To Small For Any Kind???


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
6 line wrasse

agreed .. that's about the only wrasse that's small enough .. but that's a great fish .. reef safe and very friendly


Bought this guy as a Scott's Fairy Wrasse. Lookin on fishbase I doubt it.. who knows! but he is cool! sadly clowns took a bite at its tail. Changes color too! normally looks like pic 1, but once in a while turns greenish like pic 2 and purple sometimes. White stuff on it is sand cause it digs sometimes, not ich (before people start askin)



Active Member
I love the Scott's fairy wrasse!
Marine Fishes says you can keep them in a 55, but someone on here told me otherwise. Any opinions?


Active Member
I'm still working it out, I'm done for a while, but I have a
-6" sfe
-2 clownfish
-2 firefish (in QT)
I want
a blackback butterflyfish and/or a coral beauty but I really like the Scott's fairy wrasse also


Active Member
well .. marine fishes might mean a full grown scott's could fit into a 55 gallon by itself .. so you never really know ..


Active Member
Marine Fishes (it's a book w/info on different fish for aquarium keeping, if you don't know) does mean a full grown Scott's Fairy wrasse, but I've heard differently from 1 person on here, that gives me only 2 opinions though.