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It's been a pretty slow morning so I figured I would share some pics of my 75g setup. It's been up and running for about 5.5 months now, and seems to be doing well so far. Any comments are absolutely welcome. I am relatively new to the saltwater hoby, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


gill again68

Active Member
Looks nice. So did you start 5.5 months ago is that what I read? Looks to be well developed for that time frame. I am very new to saltwater and I am currently cycling my 90 gal. As a matter of fact my LR just got here yesterday.
Tank looks good. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for the comments Gill, and I wish you the best of luck with your setup. Believe me, it's addictive. My tank finished cycling about 5.5 months ago, which is when I started to add some things. I know that I have alot in there for a short period of time, but my friend was breaking down his tank and gave me an incredible deal on alot of the things that I now have in my tank. It makes me a little nervous, but I test my params twice weekly, and do weekly water changes as well. Hopefully all goes well from here. I don't forsee any new aditions for a little while now. At least until after Christmas anyway. (I have a two year old that needs to be spoiled during the holidays. LOL)


Thank you for the advice. I was told at my LFS that the Green Flower Pot likes high lighting, and a decent amount of flow. That's why I put him up where he is. I'll do some more research on them though, and see if I need to move him down on the sand.
Thanks Again.


Looks good:) I really like your brain! I like your rockwork...maybe you could get a couple more colorful pieces in there....once you take close up pics the stuff looks colorful but he full shots of the tank it doesn't look too colorful.


Thank you for the comments. I am in total agreement with you as far as not enough color yet. I made a deal with my wife, though. I have to wait until all our Christmas shopping is done before I get anything else for the tank. LOL My next additions will be a nice Wall Hammer as a better center piece, and I am always keeping an eye out for a good deal on some colorful Acans.
Thanks again, and please keep the suggestions coming.
Happy Reefing.


Active Member
I'm sure your pictures don't do your tank justice in actually capturing the colors as the pics seem bland. Possibly the flash making everything look faded as in order to truly appreciate it is seeing it in person.
Looks great though!


You are right about the flash. Unfortunately I don't have the greatest camera for aquarium pictures. With the flash on they turn out like the ones posted, but at least they are not blurry. Everytime I turn the flash off, the pics turn out blurry. I am looking to get a tripod for the camera in order to correct the blurryness hopefully. I'll post some more pics if they turn out better with the tripod.
Thanks again for all the complements.


Thank you for the compliment Flower. I really appreciate that. I have to give credit to my wife for the rock work. That was all her for the most part. I just keep adding a piece here and there when I see a nice one at my LFS.


Nice tank ... love the rock work

A few things to comment on:
1) The green flower pot is fine where it is. They need much higher flow than other specimens, lighting is not as important. I personally like mine in the sand bed because it swells so much during the day. I do suggest putting in your sand bed for one reason, the skeleton is fragile. If it falls off your rock work, it could do A LOT of damage.
2) Do you plan on keeping the Powder Brown and Hippo Tangs in this 75G permanently? They will get too big for the tank, especially with other fish in it. I know many sites say that they need a minimum of 70G, but that is it is a FOWLR tank. IMO, if it's a reef, you need 90+ gallons.
3) How do you care for your elegance? How old is it? It's the next coral I want to add to my tank, but I've heard so many different things about it so I'm curious to see how a newcomer to the hobby keep sit alive.


Thank you very much for your compliments, and comments. As far as the tangs, I bought both of them from my LFS about two months ago and added them at the same time to avoid fighting. (Which worked like a champ) The fellow from my LFS has some huge setups, and told me that if either Tang got too big for my setup, to just bring them back in for some store credit. I figured that's not a bad deal at all.
The Flower pot really does seem to like where he is right now so I have worked him into the rock work pretty securely. It would take quite a bit to blow him down off the rock work. When the Tangs start to get a little size on them, then I will probably have to move it to a more stable location.
As far as the Elegance Coral goes, I understand that it is pretty much a gamble as far as survivability. I read somewhere that alot depends on the depth that it was originally collected from. I'm sorry, but I can't remember where I read that. I've had mine in the tank for over 5 months now. In fact it was one of my first corals aside from some shrooms and the Zoas. He seems to like where he is. I have never moved him since adding him to the tank. The lights aren't too strong for him, and the flow is just enough to gently sway his tenticles. I've tried to gently spot feed him, but I don't think he is very interested in the food. I run T5 HO lighting, and that seems to be all he needs along with the marine snow in my tank. It's hard to tell in the picture posted, but one of the mouths has recently split into two, and seems to be forming another head if you will. I'm not sure on the nomenclature for Elegance corals.
From my readings on Elegance, they are sensitive corals, and once established in there spot, moving it could shock it and may ultimately kill it. Some of you seasoned reefers may want to chime in here. I do regret not making the Elegance my center piece, but I am too afraid to move it. It seems to be doing so well where it is.
I wish you the best of luck when you get your new Elegance.
Thanks Again, and Happy Reefing.


Yeah, I've read that a lot depends on where and how they're collected. I guess I'll just take the risk. Seems like it's 50/50 on whether they survive or not.
As long as the flower pot is secure, I'd leave it be, because yours looks great. I could never get mine really secure and my gigantic hermit crabs would knock it down.
Good to hear that you have a plan in place if the tangs get too big
I wish more people in this hobby would do that. Nice of you LFS to offer store credit if you return them. My LFS gives people a hard time to just take the fish back for no credit.
Good luck with your tank :)


How does your coral beauty do with your corals? I had one that I really liked, but in the 2 months I had him he shredded my soft corals, and had to be taken back to the LFS.


So far, I haven't had any problems with the Coral Beauty. He just grazes around the rock work. Hopefully he remains that way or he will earn a quick one way ticket back to my LFS. We'll see. I've only had him in the tank for about two weeks now.