Shrimp and temperature problems


hey guys, first of all, I had 2 pep shrimp, 2 camel shrimp, and a fire shrimp. i found one of the camels on the floor and the other one just dissapeared about three weeks ago. About two weeks ago, one of the shrimp molted, i thought, and i havent seen it since. then the other pep shrimp molted and i can still see him. all i can see now is one pep shrimp and the fire shrimp. today i came home and there is a shell, looks like a pep shrimp, sitting on my rocks. my question is, do the shrimp dig in the substrate (crushed coral) when they are molting? Why do i have a third shell.
Now, about the temp problems. i just set up my new 55 gal like two weeks ago, and have had the tank light (coralife 160 watt, 10,000k and actnic blue power compact flourescent) and the sump light (cheapo tungsten dual bulb) on since i set it up. i have two heaters in the sump, 150 watt and 75 watt. both of which are set at 76 degrees. in the daytime, my tank jumps up to 80-81 degrees. i orginally had the standard stands on the coralife, but i am almost finished with the canopy i am making which will hold the light 6 in. from the top of the tank. my room thermostat is set at a steady 68 degrees. what can i do to get my tank temp down? i am looking at getting a chiller, but the budget has gotten a lot tighter. i am thinking of putting a small swamper cooler behind the sump. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
here's pics



Active Member
Originally Posted by JMBR082885
so you are saying the nitrogen cycle produces heat?
no,but if the tanks only two weeks old your nitrates,nitrites and ammonia in the tank will kill your shrimp


No shrimp don't dig in the substrate after molting, they just hide in the rock work. Are you sure they were just molted shells and not corpses? Maybe they're just good hiders...


Originally Posted by reefreak29
no,but if the tanks only two weeks old your nitrates,nitrites and ammonia in the tank will kill your shrimp
I think he has 2 different tanks. Only one is new.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
I think he has 2 different tanks. Only one is new.
oh my bad
shrimps dont dig in the substrate but they hide really well when molting,whats your sg


yeah i do have two tanks, i am waiting for the new tank to cycle before i put the shrimps and the two corals i have in, i will use the 23 for a hospital tank. specific gravity in both tanks is at 10.23


Active Member
Originally Posted by JMBR082885
yeah i do have two tanks, i am waiting for the new tank to cycle before i put the shrimps and the two corals i have in, i will use the 23 for a hospital tank. specific gravity in both tanks is at 10.23
ok 1.023 is alittle low for shrimp they like 1.025 to 1.026


Originally Posted by reefreak29
ok 1.023 is alittle low for shrimp they like 1.025 to 1.026

ok i will bump it up a little tonight