Shrimp compatability

I have 3 peppermint shrimp and a coral banded in a 55 gal. Could I add a couple scarlet shrimp and a couple fire shrimp? I understand their contribution to the bioload is negligible?


Active Member
It is standardly for fish. That is a measure of swimming room. I wouldn't think that is too many shrimp for a 55g. The question I'd have is compatibility, which I am really not sure about. Anything that creates waste adds to the bioload to some degree. So if you add enough, it will have an impact. I could be wrong, but I don't think you need to worry with what you have listed.


Active Member
The peppermints, scarlets, and fire shrimp will all get along fine at the quantities you mentioned, and a CBS will likely be fine with that mix, but there is a chance that it could get aggressive and kill the other shrimps. I don't have any experience that points to that (I've kept a CBS w/ peppermints on several occaisions w/o incident), but I have read posts by other members detailing their CBS attacking and killing Lysmata shrimps. If I were you, I would take the chance and put those shrimp in. HTH


Active Member

Originally posted by RobChuck
The peppermints, scarlets, and fire shrimp will all get along fine at the quantities you mentioned, and a CBS will likely be fine with that mix, but there is a chance that it could get aggressive and kill the other shrimps.

An extremely good chance,
The only time I would add a cbs, is if I am ready to plan on it being the only shrimp i have, eventually. In large tanks, sometimes they do not bother, but generally they will. These guys are so aggressive taht they have been reported to actually try and bully lionfish, other shrimp are definietely in danger of this being a probability.