shrimp compatibility?


Active Member
I think he forgot to put a comma behind not. if you re read what Sina loa typed I think he meant it as a joke
re read as
I took it out and killed it....... NOT, took it to LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I took it out and killed it....... NOT, took it to LFS.

That's the same way I interpreted it.


Active Member
I also interpretted it as above, that he traded it in to the LFS.
"I took it an killed it.....NOT."


Active Member
just a random thought
I would love to see a shrimp with tentacles. none of mine have ever had tentacles. not even one.


Active Member
I think he forgot to put a comma behind not. if you re read what Sina loa typed I think he meant it as a joke
Well if that's what he meant then obviously my diatribe doesn't apply to him...

it wasn't an idea or advice, it was already done! it wast just a figure of speech. sheez i guess i should off kill mine too maybe i would'nt gotten flamed!! i did'nt know you were so sensitive on that subject.
Already done or not, all I'm saying is that plain text doesn't always convey whether something is a figure of speech or not. At the end of the day, one shrimp more or less a couple of claws isn't going to cause any protests or cause extinction, but where I do get , yes, sensitive is when a statement by someone might be taken up by inexperienced aquarists who might start doing this.
Not intended as a flame... just a harsh reaction.


Active Member
wow you guys are to be kidding me i would never kill anything that alive and well or sick period......
stop crying none of you know me so why would you start saying off the bat that i did kill it


Active Member
Well nobody said you killed it except me, obviously I was the only one who interpreted it like I did, so don't call them crazy, it's only me who is the crazy one!

Sorry, I guess your post just read the other way to me, as someone who was saying "I killed it, did NOT take it to the LFS" so my bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
cause you refrace it wrong. but i got the worst of it.
You guys are both the victims of misinterpretation. I'm sorry for my part of it. I (albeit like others) react harshly to statements as originally made because of how easily their misinterpretation can impress newbies to the hobby. I'm no animal rights activist, but I feel I gain a greater respect for the hobby when I try to put myself into the shoes of the animal...
I look at it and say if you yank me out of the ocean and throw me into a box, then clip my claws off when I behave naturally, or kill me for doing something that's only natural, I wouldn't like it...
That said, one of you says that he meant he wouldn't kill it and took it to the LFS, another says it's something he did a long time ago. Those are both perfectly rational clarifications to what you originally said, so I'd say that everybody here is cool with all this at this point...
Sorry to both you guys that I misinterpreted it, but the real risk is if someone else misinterpreted it and "learned" what to do based on it.... hopefully that didn't happen.