Shrimp Compatibility


I am going to add a few shrimp into my 29g BioCube soon, and I would like to add a blood shrimp, skunk, as well as a coral banded. Does anyone know of an order to which I should add these shrimp, or whether or not they will get along at all. I'm open to any suggestions. Not a fan of peppermint BTW.


Active Member
My understanding is the Blood and Skunks are peaceful but the CBS can be aggressive. I only have a Skunk, but what I have read on the forum is to be wary of the CBS.


Here are some pictures, I have a lot of nooks and crannies that they can call their own. Is it feasible to have all three if they have their own territory? I know I have a lot of hair algea, but it just finished cycling, and the Mexican Turbos are slowly taking care of that. I have good parameters.



Active Member
you're better off just getting the first 2. IMO, get 2 bloods and cleaner, that'll look nice...


Stay away from the CBS unless it is the only shrimp you are going to keep. they are mean buggers and will kill the other shrimp.


Originally Posted by NigerBang
:scared: Holy Hair algae batman..
Ha...Yeah a sally lightfoot might be a better choice than shrimp!

rabid frog

Active Member
Go ahead and add the shrimp imo. They will not help nor hinder the hair algae problem. The algae will not hurt the shrimp either.
Cut your light cycle, test your phosphates and start donig water changes with Ro/Di water (if your not already) Since it looks as if you have no coral either you can take the lr out and use a tooth brush and some tank water to scrub some of the algae off. Hair algae is a pain but you can ge rid of it with a little bit of effort.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by steveoutla
Stay away from the CBS unless it is the only shrimp you are going to keep. they are mean buggers and will kill the other shrimp.
*cough* load of bull!*cough*
add the first two first, and in a couple days get a small cbs, and they'll be fine, and i have a cbs and love him, he's so fun to watch, especially in the dark with moon lights on.


Interesting, I just added the following to help with cleanup:
10 red legged hermits
10 blue legged hermits
6 scarlett hermits
I'm interested in what 30-xtra high says about the CBS, anybody have a rebutal?
Do the CBS clean very well.. or are they more for show and entertainment.

fish addict

Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
*cough* load of bull!*cough*
add the first two first, and in a couple days get a small cbs, and they'll be fine, and i have a cbs and love him, he's so fun to watch, especially in the dark with moon lights on.
I beg to differ, even if you get a small CBS so that he doesn't attack the other shrimp, what are you going to do when he gets bigger and starts attacking the skunks and bloods?


Haha, I took quite a bit of the hair algea off today by toothbrushing the rocks in the old water from the last water change, will this hurt anything in the tank, or will the tank go through a mini cycle now that I've brushed so much off?

fish addict

Originally Posted by earlybird
Gang warfare in the home aquarium.
you mean they don't get along? Is that what you are saying?


he was just making fun of the names, bloods versus skunks, and the fact of whether or not they are compatible to be together.


I'll take them back for a more suitable species when that happens. That shouldn't happen for a while though.