Shrimp Died


In the past two weeks both my shrimp died, the cleaner and fire. All my fish are fine and my levels are fine, nitrite,nitrates,amonia. 46 bow tank, 2 coral catfish,dottyback,algaeblenny,jawfish. Both shrimp died a day after they molted. One of them had molted before.....any correlation? I thought molting was a good sign
Do you add iodine or any suppliments containing iodine to your water? I've heard that iodine is necessary for them to moult, but not sure if it would cause them to die after a moult???
Also, were they eaten? Maybe they were killed by a crab or something when they were soft and vulnerable?
[ June 04, 2001: Message edited by: tangs_in_pacifica ]


hi, Had there been a sudden temperature or salinity change? Shrimps are particularly vulnerable to abrupt changes in these.


Are you absolutlly positive your shrimp are dead? You know, the molt looks exactly like the shrimp. I myself have been fooled many times. If they are dead for sure, I would suspect something happened while the were still soft. Are there plenty of caves for them to hide in while the recover? Good luck.
did you use any type of medications? even the slightest ammounts of copper is deadly to not only shrimps but inverts as well


I agree with playtime about the molts. I have also been fooled several times. The copper is also a good point brought up by tanker newbie.


No, it wasnt the molt, it was the shrimp. I am positive, anyway no changes happened with the water. So not sure, my dottyback sometimes nips but there were no bite marks and he generally doesnt bother them at all...