shrimp eater & my tank's first death


I would almost swear that I have read that there is a formula for converting the reading that your hydrometer gets at the temperature that your water is, compared to what the hydrometer is designed for??
My memory isnt the greatest but aren't hydrometers designed to measure water that is 65 degrees and so when you measure at 78 degrees you have to alter the reading it gives you with this formula???
or am I crazy? (totally possible) I have been looking to find where I read that and cant lay my finger on it??? maybe I dreamed it? :notsure:


I should add that I currently have a glass hydrometer not one of the plastic big ones. Does that make it any better, or do you think that I should still get a refractometer?


well, I don't have a refractometer yet, but I will very shortly. I will post the differences if you like once it is in. :cheer:


Active Member
Many plastic hydrometers are already temperature corrected and so no futher calculations are necessary. Yes, temperature is a factor in specific gravity measurements and there are tables for it...but a hydrometer in general is often so inaccurate anyway that the temperature contribution is negligible anyway.