Shrimp for cycling


My LFS has a Coral Banded Shrimp and i was curious if i could put a Live one in with my 4 damsels during m cycling phase, would that speed it up?


Active Member
Did you mean to cycle your tank with live critters, or did your local shop tell you to? You could have cycled your tank with dead shrimp from the fish market just the same, but without killing or causing pain to the fish in the cycle phase.


My LFS told me too and said just bring them back for store credit so i can get my lionfish. I just thought a live shrimp might help the process along.


Live shrimp won't really help the process along. A dead shrimp would work fine. You don't need to subject live animals to things that could harm them.


Active Member
They want you to spend the money... how much would they give you if it died :rolleyes: and many will die. Don't waste your money, IMO, when you can get a shrimp from the grocery for far less. Heck, you can throw a bunch of fish food in there and get the same affect.
I wouldn't waste money on the live animals...nor is it a particularly nice experience for the animals.

who dey

Active Member
i didn't know there was a special food for cycling. :thinking: anyway... i cycled my tank with just LR and it went very well


LOL, I have heard that you can use fish food to cycle and wanted to make sure flakes were ok. Also is LR really needed in a fish only tank?


Active Member
LR has advantages in filtration, grazing and overall habitat for the fish. But it is not absolutely necessary if you have something like a wet/dry or other area for lots of bacteria.
Basically when cycling you want an ammonia source. If cycling with damsels, for example, you should still be feeding very heavily so excess food also breaks down. Or you can throw coctail shrimp in. Or you can used uncured LR. Or you could use pure ammonia. Many possibilities. But yes, you can use flake food or whatever. May just cause a bit more of a clean up (bit messier). This is why some cocktail shrimp from the grocery store are often preferred.


Active Member
I would go back to the lfs and tell him he needs to read up on taking care of a saltwater tank!