Shrimp keep dieing


New Member
It has been twice in a row now that i have tried to add a shrimp to my tank only to have it die right away. I checked PH 8.2, Nitrite 0ppm, Ammonia, 0-0.25 ppm, and nitrate 0-5ppm. I also tried testing for copper but was not getting a 0ppm reading. I have other fish and hermit crabs in the tanks that are doing fine. Can anyone suggest what might be wrong with my tank? Thanks


Originally Posted by weber27
It has been twice in a row now that i have tried to add a shrimp to my tank only to have it die right away. I checked PH 8.2, Nitrite 0ppm, Ammonia, 0-0.25 ppm, and nitrate 0-5ppm. I also tried testing for copper but was not getting a 0ppm reading. I have other fish and hermit crabs in the tanks that are doing fine. Can anyone suggest what might be wrong with my tank? Thanks
Could you be acclimating it wrong?


Active Member
whats your temperature
how old is your tank
how many critters do you have in the tank.
How fast do the shrimp die? does it take them a week or two? or is it right away?
What kind of filtration do you have?


New Member
The shrimp die right away. The tank has been up for about a year. I have a wet/dry filter.
Temp 76
Maroon Clown
Clown Sweetlips
10 hermits
Trying to learn myself because as I said in another thread I have had 2 die on me and everything checked out fine parameter wise and everything else in the tank seems to flourish and I floated and used the drip method.


I did poke holes through mine so the water could flow in slowly over the course of 4 hours.
VERY ting needle holes.
May want to try that...


I also tried testing for copper but was not getting a 0ppm reading.
If you are getting a copper reading, that may be the problem.


New Member
The S.G. is 1.023. I did add water to the floating bag.
I think i will try the drip method next time.
I am not getting a copper reading and if i did have copper should did it kill the hermits too?
Should i take my water to the LFS and see if they can find out what is wrong with it?


Originally Posted by weber27
The S.G. is 1.023. I did add water to the floating bag.
I think i will try the drip method next time.
I am not getting a copper reading and if i did have copper should did it kill the hermits too?
Should i take my water to the LFS and see if they can find out what is wrong with it?
What kind of test kit are you using? I would take a sample to your lfs and see if there is something going on with your water, possibly there is something wrong with your test kit.


what type of shrimp are you adding to your tank? cleaner and blood shrimp are pretty tough little guys.
mine croaked about two weeks ago, but i had him for 5 months. and when you say immediately, do you mean next day they are dead?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
I did poke holes through mine so the water could flow in slowly over the course of 4 hours.
VERY ting needle holes.
May want to try that...
This is actually a bad idea. You don't want the water from the LFS to end up in your tank. Most LFS will dose their tanks with meds of some sort.
The reason the shrimp are dying is likely tied to your acclimation. The most important thing to do when acclimating any invert (snails, hermits, shrimp) is slow drip acclimation. You could always float the bag, and every 5 minutes use a turkey baster to suck up some water (or a small cup to scoop up some water, that's just messier) to add to the bag. Do this for nearly 2 hours for inverts.


Originally Posted by m0nk
This is actually a bad idea. You don't want the water from the LFS to end up in your tank. Most LFS will dose their tanks with meds of some sort.
I had no choice and they came from this site. Not a LFS.
I was at work while they were soaking and couldnt watch the Drip Acclimation.
So I know this was bad and hated doing it but the other fish from the tank are fine and actually decided they liked the way the shrimpies looked.

Fish are still alive but the shrimp were eaten! LMAO


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
I had no choice and they came from this site. Not a LFS.
I was at work while they were soaking and couldnt watch the Drip Acclimation.
So I know this was bad and hated doing it but the other fish from the tank are fine and actually decided they liked the way the shrimpies looked.

Fish are still alive but the shrimp were eaten! LMAO
Yeah, I would consider the livestock from this site (or any online site) to come with the same possible water issues as from a LFS. I'm not saying I don't trust these places to give quality livestock. I personally wouldn't want to risk any of the water getting in any of my tanks. I would also argue that it's not a good idea to put livestock in your tank if you're going to be at work; just too many things could go wrong there.