OK. I got my fish in July. First two firefish and a Cleaner shrimp. a week later, I got a Royal Gramma. 3 weeks after that I got a Cherub Pygmy angelfish. They have all been living happily together. The angelfish just swims around and minds it's own business. I was worried at first, but it doesn't do any harm. The problem is, the shrimp molts about once every two weeks. I'm not feeding my fish much at all. Once a day. Either flakes, pellets, or frozen mysis/brine shrimp. My water parameters are fime. amm-0, nitrate-0, nitrite-0, pH-8.3. I really don't understand why. I don't put any supplements in the water to keep it down. This has never happened with any shrimp I've had before. I would really appreciate any help.