Shrimp Killer?


Active Member
I have a yellow pseudochromis that I have put in my tank about 3 weeks ago. Since then I have lost 1 emerald crab, 1 peppermint shrimp, and 1 fire shrimp. :scared: Has anyone else lost anything with these? How do I get him out, or save the remainder 2 cleaner shrimp? He is extremely territorial over his terf, unfortunately, it seems it is most of the tank!!!!


Active Member
you sure its the pseudo thats killing the inverts? i had a bi color and although he was very territorial, he never touched any of my inverts.


Originally Posted by Anonome
I have a yellow pseudochromis that I have put in my tank about 3 weeks ago. Since then I have lost 1 emerald crab, 1 peppermint shrimp, and 1 fire shrimp. :scared: Has anyone else lost anything with these? How do I get him out, or save the remainder 2 cleaner shrimp? He is extremely territorial over his terf, unfortunately, it seems it is most of the tank!!!!

hmmm...have you tested for copper? Do you dose iodine? What are your parameters etc...are you acclimating your inverts the same as fish?
It would be more likely something in the water than a fish, but you never know. The emerald would be tough to take out as a fish goes. They are pretty good at defense